Can you finish the lyrics to these hits from the '50s, '60s & '70s?
Timeless, memorable music. Just fill in the blanks!
They may be oldies, but to us, they're forever. That's why it's so important to keep the music alive. Whether you tune in on the radio, put your records on the platter, or stream your favorite songs, the music is what truly matters.
Are you the type to retain every lyric? Or are some of the words lost to the sands of time? Whether you know it all by heart or have to check the liner notes, the lyrics are what gave poetry to the tunes. So, we have to revisit them now and again!
Find out how well you remember the words with this handy quiz. Make sure to share your score and your thoughts in the comments below!
Elvis: "___ turned to ___ and he said, 'Nix nix, I wanna stick around a while and get my kicks.'"
Buddy Holly: "You say you're gonna leave, you know it's a lie. 'Cause that'll be the ____."
Danny and the Juniors: "You can rock it you can roll it. Do the stomp and even stroll it. _______."
Chuck Berry: "Who never ever _________. But he could play the guitar just like ringing a bell."
Ray Charles: "_____ with a diamond ring? She knows how to shake that thing."
Chubby Checker: "Yeah, daddy _____. And mama ain't _____. We're gonna twisty twisty twisty. Till we tear the house down."
The Beatles: "Yeah you, got that something. I think you'll understand. When I ____ that something. I wanna hold your hand."
Martha and the Vandellas: "Calling out around the world "Are you ready for a ______ beat?"
Rolling Stones: "But he can't be a man 'cause he doesn't ____ the same ____ as me."
Bob Dylan: "How does it feel? To be ______. With no direction home. Like a complete unknown. Like a rolling stone."
The Beach Boys: "I'm ________ good vibrations. She's giving me excitations."
Aretha Franklin: "R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Take care, _____."
The Doors: "You know that it would be untrue. You know that I would be ________."
Marvin Gaye: "Brother, brother, brother. There's ____ too many of you dying."
Jackson 5: "Trying to live without your love is __________ night."

Can you finish the lyrics to these hits from the '50s, '60s & '70s?
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