Can you guess what is being advertised in these 1982 TV commercials?

"Aren't you glad you use ________?"


In 1982 there were no streaming services, no DVRs. Heck, plenty of folks probably didn't even have remote controls.

That meant television viewers sat through the commercials. And if you lived in that era, these ads are probably swimming around in the back of your memory.

Even if you are too young to remember '82, you can probably guess some of these brands. See how many you can guess!

  1. This Atlantis cartridge is being played on which video game console?
  2. The soda launched in 1982 with the tagline "Just for the taste of it!"
  3. This restaurant chain declared, "You'll like our prices. Your kids'll love our food."
  4. This soap was called itself "The Eye-Opener." What was it called?
  5. Which toothpaste came in this red box with the pearly whites?
  6. Which cola came in this can?
  7. Which fast-food chain dressed its employees in this uniform?
  8. Which fast-food workers wore this uniform?
  9. Which jeans brand featured this horse?
  10. Which automaker sold the Lynx?
  11. This soap asked, "Aren't you glad you use _______?"
  12. The store had a Polo-like brand of clothing called Hunt Club.

Can you guess what is being advertised in these 1982 TV commercials?

Your Result...

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cripplious 14 months ago
You got 8 out of 12. Dont know if I did this before. If you find I did let me know if I did better or worse. Merry Christmas
CaroleThorpe 16 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
Lookin' snazzy! Well done!
DerekBird 46 months ago
You got 10 out of 12
Lookin' snazzy! Well done!
JohnLongenecker 46 months ago
You got 11 out of 12

I knew #8 immediately. I had one just like it when I was a teenager back in Miami.
idkwut2use 46 months ago
Argh, only half. Tbf I was -5 years old that year...
MissTheOldDays 50 months ago
You got 9 out of 12
Lookin' snazzy! Well done!
EllisClevenger 59 months ago
You got 9 out of 12
Lookin' snazzy! Well done!
Missed #7, #9, and #12.
TheDavBow3 60 months ago
7/12. Should've done better. I was 17 in '82.
Dario 60 months ago
11 out of 12. 😁😁😁😁😁
JC 60 months ago
You got 10 out of 12
Lookin' snazzy! Well done!
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