Can you guess which of these movies was NOT directed by Ron Howard?

How well do you know the former child star's filmmaking career?


Ron Howard was first introduced to millions of TV fans as Opie Taylor on The Andy Griffith Show. As a "teenager" (well, technically early twenties) he starred alongside Henry Winkler on Happy Days.

But even as a kid, Howard showed an interest in more than just acting. He made his first short films in the late 1960s. A decade later he was already making features!

Do you know every single film Ron Howard has directed? We’ve compiled 24 movies he did direct and one he did not. Can you pick out which one?

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  1. Which of these movies was NOT directed by Ron Howard?

Can you guess which of these movies was NOT directed by Ron Howard?

Your Result...

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Tresix 34 months ago
Seventh try! I absolutely forgot who directed “The ‘Burbs”.
TheDavBow3 59 months ago
4th try for me. I'll take it 😊
MichaelSmith 59 months ago
Got it on the 1st try. Almost picked the trap choice which was Rush because of the film from the early '90s with the identical title.
Tresix MichaelSmith 34 months ago
It took a while for the posters to load for me, so I didn’t know if it was the cop movie or the racing movie.
Evan 59 months ago
I lost track of my attempts. Just decided to start from the bottom and work up til I found the one. Had no idea he directed so many!
ETristanBooth 59 months ago
Four tries. I knew that many of these were directed by Howard, but there were a few I'd never seen, so I didn't know who directed them.
sandman 59 months ago
6 try’s! I was so mad I almost ate a whole box of Twinkies! Nah just kidding, I ate the whole box!
Jeffrey 59 months ago
I found it on my 6th guess. The 'Burbs.
Catman 59 months ago
Usually I have to run through the entire list to find the right answer. I got this one on the 2nd shot.
MarthaWashington 59 months ago
I got it on my FIRST try...must have had a weak moment. However "the burbs" was just on, and maybe I just didn't notice Ron Howards name wasn't there.
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