Can you guess which products these Carol Burnett kitchen commercials are spoofing?
The only thing catchier than a great commercial is a parody of a great commercial.

Everyone has a commercial or jingle that gets stuck in their heads. Carol Burnett knew that the best way to celebrate these iconic clips of television was to spoof them.
Imagine if some of these scenarios really did happen in your home: A giant pitcher of fruit juice pummels through your wall. An anthropomorphic bee compliments your choice in cereal. Either of those out-of-this-world situations would be a terrifying encounter.
The brilliant Carol Burnett Show sketch "TV Commercials" shows a woman tormented by commercials as her home is invaded by product mascots.
Now, see if you can keep the products straight in this skit filled with funny allusions. Give it your best shot!
This surprise visitor lets Carol know that she could use some Lady Shlik to prevent any unwanted underarm stains. What product is he peddling?
You may recognize this celebrity parody from when he was encouraging you to add Grape Nut Cereal to your morning breakfast. Who is this supposed to be?
If the packaging didn't give it away, the parade of paired-off people should. What brand of gum is Carol poking fun at?
Wall Street big-shot E.F. Hutton is the basis for the joke in this part of the skit. What was his ad slogan?
This household staple reminds Carol that she shouldn't squeeze it. What's Carol tearing to pieces?
He's out to make sure you avoid that old, chunky peanut butter at all costs. Recognize this logo parody?
"Floor wax so shiny, you can see your reflection in it!" What's the name of the floor cleaner that Carol uses to clean up the floor mess?
Where does Carol find this unwelcome visitor in her bathroom?
He introduces himself as the...?

Can you guess which products these Carol Burnett kitchen commercials are spoofing?
Your Result...
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The Goonies Playing Cards

Svengoolie® T-Shirt

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Women's Svengoolie® T-Shirt

I Love Lucy - Lucy Lines

Batman - Since 66

Gwengoolie™ Gaze T-Shirt

Caddyshack - Freeze Gopher

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

8 out of 9. I like the commercial spoofs. However, it takes me a few moments to remember the which products are being spoofed.
8/9 - I thought she was squeezing toilet paper (the right answer was bread) because of the Charmin commercials.
9/9... but.... wasn't it Mop-N-Glo? That's what I remember anyway.
In two of those commercial spoofs..Poor Ms.Burnett gets one of those skits..Mr.Conway..plays a man from"Clorox"..who tells her"I'll give you $50.00 for that blouse that you're wearing"she tries to stop him..but..he proceeds to rip off her blouse and her skirt.In the second skit..the ensemble..comes and sing"The Union Label"jingle..and they strip poor Mr.Burnett..once again to her slip and stockings..and Mr.Conway removes her wig.
the union label sketch really left an impression on me...all of those people march in at the end singing and start shucking off her clothes...then they leave her standing there in front of the audience stripped down to her underwear...and while she is trying to use her arms to cover up her wig gets stolen...very funny but kind of shocking too
8/9 I missed #2 .. Who the heck is Euell Gibbons? lol
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I thought the Euell Gibbons parodies were hilarious. I even remember laughing at a Euell Gibbons parody in the kids' magazine DYNAMITE. In this parody, cops came to lock up Gibbons' mouth after he ate most of a forest.