Can you match rock stars to the movies they starred in?

Which groups appeared in Hold On, Head, Flame and more?


You know you've made it as a rock band when an entire movie is based around your music. You're even cooler when you get to star in the movie yourself. (Although, admittedly, sometimes the acting is better left to the professionals.)

We've gathered a dozen of our favorite rock movies from the Fifties through the Eighties. We'll even show you a fragment of the movie poster.

Can you match these movies to the correct musicians?

  1. They made easy money with 'A Hard Day's Night'
     Image: United Artists
  2. This band '…Meets the Phantom of the Park' in a 1978 movie produced by Hanna-Barbera!
     Image: The Everett Collection
  3. The 1958 film 'King Creole' was a big hit for this singer
     Image: Paramount
  4. This band starred in 1979's 'Rock 'n' Roll High School'
     Image: New World Pictures
  5. Which band starred in the very strange 'Head' in 1968 — written by Jack Nicholson!
     Image: Columbia Pictures
  6. He starred in his own 'On Trick Pony' in 1980
     Image: Warner Bros.
  7. He gave Kristin Scott Thomas her screen debut in his 1986 film 'Under the Cherry Moon'
     Image: Warner Bros.
  8. 'Rock Around the Clock' centered around this band. No wonder — they sang the song
     Image: Columbia Pictures
  9. 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' was based on the Beatles album, obviously — but which rocker starred in the movie as Billy Shears?
     Image: Universal Pictures
  10. The 1966 flick 'Hold On!' starred this hot British Invasion band
     Image: MGM
  11. The 1986 movie 'True Stories' was based on the songs and album of this band
     Image: Warner Bros.
  12. The 1975 movie 'Flame' centered around this British glam band
     Image: Goodtimes Enterprises

Can you match rock stars to the movies they starred in?

Your Result...

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8176Morgan 1 day ago
You got 11 out of 12. Looks like you graduated on the dean's list from Rock 'n' Roll High School! You rock!" Well not quite since I missed the last one. "Slade" would have been my third pick as I barely know the group since they had no big hits of any kind. But I did pretty good overall. 🙂
Dario 6 months ago
10 out of 12; missed #9 and #12. 😁😁😁😁😁
Geronimo 16 months ago
Can you match rock stars to the movies they starred in?
You got 9 out of 12
Looks like you graduated on the dean's list from Rock 'n' Roll High School! You rock!

Image: New World Pictures
Dario 16 months ago
11 out of 12! Missed No. 12.....especially since I never heard of Slade! 😜😝😆👍😁
ThomasPotter 17 months ago
got slade and sweet mixed up....You got 11 out of 12
Looks like you graduated on the dean's list from Rock 'n' Roll High School! You rock!
RedSamRackham 25 months ago
* Perfect 12 of 12 Score BUT guessed on a few!
idkwut2use 47 months ago
You got 12 out of 12

Looks like you graduated on the dean's list from Rock 'n' Roll High School! You rock!
Tammy 47 months ago
You got 10 out of 12
Looks like you graduated on the dean's list from Rock 'n' Roll High School! You rock!
EllisClevenger 55 months ago
You got 12 out of 12
Looks like you graduated on the dean's list from Rock 'n' Roll High School! You rock!
DIGGER1 56 months ago
Can you match rock stars to the movies they starred in?
You got 12 out of 12
Looks like you graduated on the dean's list from Rock 'n' Roll High School! You rock!
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