Can you match these interview quotes to the correct Star Trek actor?
Who loved painting houses? Who loves sad love songs? Take a guess and find out!

CBS Television Distribution
Star Trek turned its cast of actors into pop culture icons. Most of the Enterprise crew had been seen here and there on television prior to the 1966 premiere, but Star Trek launched them into a new galaxy of fame. They got piles of fan mail. Trekkers lined up at conventions to see them in person.
And the media interviewed them.
We read through newspaper profiles of the Star Trek cast from when the show was originally on the air — between 1966 and 1969. Here are some interesting interview quotes. Try to match them to the correct actor!

When asked about their haircut: "My father is an old-fashioned barber. When he cuts your hair, you know you've had a haircut. When I go home on a visit now, with this haircut I've got for the show, I can't let him touch my hair. He's very disappointed."
On growing up in a diverse neighborhood: "My mother learned to cook tacos, chicken soup and Jewish dishes while she taught others how to make sukiyaki."
On his love of house painting: "I really enjoy house painting, especially the trim work. People think I'm crazy, but it's more fun than using the roller on the walls."
On his role: "The role of a leading man and hero is limiting on a week to week basis, but I do have some fun with the part."
On his background: "No, I wasn't born in Germany. I was born in Chicago. My parents came from Russia."
On making public appearances: "I turned down $50,000 last year, because I won't make personal appearances in makeup, except my hair, which I don't mind."
Oh his hobbies: "I engage in sports and read and carry on like that."
On their singing career: "Sinatra is not worried, but I have a good musical ear and a style. Can Ray Charles sing? It's my hobby, I enjoy it and it's very lucrative."
On contributing four episode ideas to Star Trek: "I was turned down — nicely and completely. But I think one idea was stolen."
On why he lives in a modest two-bedroom house: "On his small two-bedroom house: "Small birds need small nests."
On show business: "It's a hard-nosed business. Nice guys don't mean a thing."
On Star Trek writers: "Writers of Star Trek are a literate, intelligent staff who have something to say about today's world."
Oh his Star Trek start: "You know, I was turned down for a role on Star Trek originally. So I went into another show which didn't sell. Then I got a role on Star Trek, but I was signed for just seven of the first 13 shows."
On their stage name: "I won't tell you my real name but at 14 I went to my mother and said I wanted to be a star but not with this name. I asked her to re-name me."
On love songs: "All my favorite love songs are sad, but they have a kind of recovery. You never drown in them."

Can you match these interview quotes to the correct Star Trek actor?
Your Result...
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Star Trek - Command Uniform

Star Trek - Science Uniform

Star Trek - Voyager Crew

Star Trek - Odo

Star Trek - Captain Archer

Star Trek - 100% Trekkie

You got 10 out of 15
Did you slash right through that like an expert — or did you come out a little injured?
Did you slash right through that like an expert — or did you come out a little injured?
No wonder that MrsPhilHarris got this movie right. They are hot
on the movie trail, you betcha! Thanks to MPH we are all enjoying this blockbuster.
Fargo (1996) 1 hr 38 min -Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Joel Coen-Ethan Coen
William H. Macy
Frances McDormand
Steve Buscemi
Peter Stormare
Harve Presnell
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on the movie trail, you betcha! Thanks to MPH we are all enjoying this blockbuster.
Fargo (1996) 1 hr 38 min -Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Joel Coen-Ethan Coen
William H. Macy
Frances McDormand
Steve Buscemi
Peter Stormare
Harve Presnell
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All of a sudden, after you write something in the Comments section and post it, when
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friends make and direct at you. There is no remedy for this, don't even try, meanwhile
people who replied to your posts - who you got to "know" over time - think you are
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Friday Night Movie Quiz
This is one of the better movies of the late 20th Century. It's supposed to be a true story. You betcha. There a clear meaning to this story that turns south very fast. That happens when you deal with some low-life characters. You need a few bucks because you had a bad business deal and you need a big payday. You hire dumb and dumber and it heads straight for the dumpster Jumping Jack Flash and I don't mean Whoopi Goldberg either. Law enforcement gets hot on the trail only to find a couple of stiffs along the way. Fake ransom goes bad and you have another. Not a pretty sight. Fear not our heroine slowly but surely follows the bunglers stupidity. Video quality tops.
Music and show as it was back when,
Bill Haley & His Comets - Rock Around The Clock (1955). .
Buddy Holly - Everyday. .
The Kinks-Tired Of Waiting. .
A Hard Day's Night (1964) Trailer #1. .
AC/DC - Thunderstruck. .
Van Halen - Jump. .
Bonus movie which was going to be quiz until it got changed. You can follow the clues which I had before it was changed.
If your looking for a little excitement, crime and fun this is it. Action, Comedy, Crime and Thriller is our genre tonight. Starts out with some awesome mountainous scenes, music and a fast auto speeding through the winding and curving roads. There is a plot to all of this. There are things to gather and take hold of. It will be criminal, dangerous and comical along the way. You have some great known actors in our movie. One was born in the 1800's and passed long ago. Main actor still acts today as he did back then. While another is more known for his on-stage work and more known for writing, directing, producing then acting. Put it all together and it's a good cinema.
The Italian Job (1969) 1 hr 39 min Action Comedy, Crime
Director: Peter Collinson
Michael Caine
Noël Coward
Benny Hill
Extra Bonus. I know its Svengoolie's job to put these Horror B's on but why not right here for you to enjoy anytime you wish.
She Devil (1957) 1 hr 17 min -Crime, Horror, Sci-Fi-B/W HD
Director: Kurt Neumann
Mari Blanchard
Jack Kelly
John Archer
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This is one of the better movies of the late 20th Century. It's supposed to be a true story. You betcha. There a clear meaning to this story that turns south very fast. That happens when you deal with some low-life characters. You need a few bucks because you had a bad business deal and you need a big payday. You hire dumb and dumber and it heads straight for the dumpster Jumping Jack Flash and I don't mean Whoopi Goldberg either. Law enforcement gets hot on the trail only to find a couple of stiffs along the way. Fake ransom goes bad and you have another. Not a pretty sight. Fear not our heroine slowly but surely follows the bunglers stupidity. Video quality tops.
Music and show as it was back when,
Bill Haley & His Comets - Rock Around The Clock (1955). .
Buddy Holly - Everyday. .
The Kinks-Tired Of Waiting. .
A Hard Day's Night (1964) Trailer #1. .
AC/DC - Thunderstruck. .
Van Halen - Jump. .
Bonus movie which was going to be quiz until it got changed. You can follow the clues which I had before it was changed.
If your looking for a little excitement, crime and fun this is it. Action, Comedy, Crime and Thriller is our genre tonight. Starts out with some awesome mountainous scenes, music and a fast auto speeding through the winding and curving roads. There is a plot to all of this. There are things to gather and take hold of. It will be criminal, dangerous and comical along the way. You have some great known actors in our movie. One was born in the 1800's and passed long ago. Main actor still acts today as he did back then. While another is more known for his on-stage work and more known for writing, directing, producing then acting. Put it all together and it's a good cinema.
The Italian Job (1969) 1 hr 39 min Action Comedy, Crime
Director: Peter Collinson
Michael Caine
Noël Coward
Benny Hill
Extra Bonus. I know its Svengoolie's job to put these Horror B's on but why not right here for you to enjoy anytime you wish.
She Devil (1957) 1 hr 17 min -Crime, Horror, Sci-Fi-B/W HD
Director: Kurt Neumann
Mari Blanchard
Jack Kelly
John Archer
!!Wanted!! but preferred Alive
Those that wish to participate in the Weekly Movie Quiz.
Conversation as to what this movie might be
Winners name in MeTV Lights
Just plain ole fun
Let's Do it at: Did Steve McQueen play these movie roles before or after Wanted Dead or Alive?
No later then 10 P.M CT Friday
Don't miss this quiz. We have the quiz show of the year. 2 Hitchcock movies a comedy bonus movie and as always The Quiz Movie along with some entertainment for everyone. Even if you can't attend it will be there for you any ole time.
Those that wish to participate in the Weekly Movie Quiz.
Conversation as to what this movie might be
Winners name in MeTV Lights
Just plain ole fun
Let's Do it at: Did Steve McQueen play these movie roles before or after Wanted Dead or Alive?
No later then 10 P.M CT Friday
Don't miss this quiz. We have the quiz show of the year. 2 Hitchcock movies a comedy bonus movie and as always The Quiz Movie along with some entertainment for everyone. Even if you can't attend it will be there for you any ole time.
!!Wanted!! but preferred Alive
Those that wish to participate in the Weekly Movie Quiz.
Conversation as to what this movie might be
Winners name in MeTV Lights
Just plain ole fun
Let's Do it at:
Can you guess what decade these 4th of July ads are from?
Friday @ 10:00 P.M CT
The Show Must Go On-Another knock down quizorama and entertainment.
Those that wish to participate in the Weekly Movie Quiz.
Conversation as to what this movie might be
Winners name in MeTV Lights
Just plain ole fun
Let's Do it at:
Can you guess what decade these 4th of July ads are from?
Friday @ 10:00 P.M CT
The Show Must Go On-Another knock down quizorama and entertainment.
!!Wanted!! but preferred Alive
Those that wish to participate in the Weekly Movie Quiz.
Conversation as to what this movie might be
Winners name in MeTV Lights
Just plain ole fun
Let's Do it at: Are these classic TV character actors or 1960s baseball All-Stars?
Friday @ 10:00 P.M CT
The Show Must Go On-Another knock down quizorama and entertainment.
Those that wish to participate in the Weekly Movie Quiz.
Conversation as to what this movie might be
Winners name in MeTV Lights
Just plain ole fun
Let's Do it at: Are these classic TV character actors or 1960s baseball All-Stars?
Friday @ 10:00 P.M CT
The Show Must Go On-Another knock down quizorama and entertainment.
Interesting quiz. I had never heard most of those quotes!
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Yeah and probably the best way unless you lose that paper. At least no one can hack your email and grab your passwords. Or you can use posts its all over your PC and desktop
My passwords require being changed so frequently, like sneeze, and the provided says, okay time for a new password! That nobody could even keep up with my piece of paper!! There must be 35 different logins and passwords! For those who manage them electronically, what if the system goes out. Mine has a lot of times.
You got 13 out of 15
Did you slash right through that like an expert — or did you come out a little injured?
Got the last two wrong.
Did you slash right through that like an expert — or did you come out a little injured?
Got the last two wrong.
9/15 - Live Long and Prosper (-:
I love the time travel episodes of Star Trek. Like Bones prevents a prominent woman from being killed in 1930’s and Uss Enteprise timewarpes to the 1960’s
7/15.. I wouldn't call it a real Star Trek quiz since the questions were not about the show, but the actor's personal lives. Still fun and learned a few new things. 😉
8 out of 15 not bad for guessing at most of them, a couple were obvious by the wording of the question