Can you match these kids to the correct horror movie?
Do you know Danny from Damien?

Images: MGM
Some of the scariest movies put the spotlight on kids, who play both victims and villains to instill equal chills in the audience.
Think you can match every boy and girl to the horror movie they helped make a hit?
Consider Danny Torrance's friend Tony your guide as your scroll through the screenshots below. Good luck!
These ghost twins were a chilling factor in the plot of which movie?
Image: Warner Bros.
This kid drowned in a lake, but he got his revenge in which film:
Image: Paramount Pictures
This kid famously did not get along with his sister in which movie?
Image: Compass International Pictures
This boy's love of his family helped save the day in which movie?
Image: MGM/UA Entertainment Co.
This kid turned out to be the son of the devil in which movie?
Image: 20th Century Fox
This girl developed telepathic powers in which movie?
Image: Universal Pictures
This kid goes missing, then comes back hauntingly changed in which movie?
Image: Warner Bros.
She's known as a ghoul girl, but now we'd call her a zombie. What movie is she from?
Image: The Walter Reade Organization
This kid goes from wide-eyed and adorable to horrifying and menacing in which movie?
Image: Paramount Pictures
These jump-roping girls signal the arrival of which horror movie villain?
Image: New Line Cinema

Can you match these kids to the correct horror movie?
Your Result...
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Friday the 13th was the boy's mother that did the killing
9/10. I've seen Pet Sematary a dozen times. Don't know how I screwed that up. I got sick and didn't get to enjoy any horror movies on Halloween. I will have to have my own fright fest this weekend.
I guess you could call Deliverance a horror movie! lol!!
8/10! missed Salem's Lot and Pet Sematary! A few comments: Technically, it was Jason's mother who was the killer in F13I, a fact that Drew Barrymore forgot in Scream! In the new Halloween, Jamie Lee Curtis is NOT Mike Myers' sister. The placement of the photos in Question 4 is a little creepy once you know the answer. Today, we'd proably call Number 8 a goth girl as opposed to a ghoul girl...LOL! And of course, we all know the jumprope chant: "One,two, Freddie's coming for you..."!