Can you name all these boyfriends and girlfriends in Full House?

From school crushes to fiancés, love was always around the corner on the classic sitcom.


Whether it was single dad Danny’s attempts to get back into the dating scene, Jesse finding true love and settling down or the various school crushes and heartbreaks D.J. and Steph experienced while growing up, romance played a huge part in Full House

How well do you know the many loves of this sitcom favorite? Try to name all these boyfriends and girlfriends from the show!

  1. D.J.’s main squeeze is named…
  2. Jesse’s girlfriend and eventual wife is named…
  3. Danny’s longest relationship is with…
  4. Stephanie’s first boyfriend is named…
  5. D.J. has a fling with a musician named…
  6. Michelle’s classmate, who becomes her Valentine’s Day date, is named…
  7. Kimmy’s nonchalant, Shakespeare-quoting boyfriend is named…
  8. Stephanie’s baseball boyfriend is named…
  9. Danny dates Stephanie’s best friend’s mom named…
  10. Joey’s college girlfriend, who briefly comes back into his life, is named…

Can you name all these boyfriends and girlfriends in Full House?

Your Result...

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nightshade 37 months ago
7/10 i always know the right answer but think I'm wrong ....
C3children 37 months ago
9/10 missed Stephanie’s baseball friend!
oldmoe51 37 months ago
All guesses 6/10 would have been 7 but I rushed one
DIGGER1 37 months ago
Can you name all these boyfriends and girlfriends in Full House?
You got 6 out of 10
Did you play this quiz right or did you strike out?
This was "NOT" my best moment on this quiz.
TheSentinel 37 months ago
10/10 - some were lucky guesses, but good to know I still know my Full House.
BrownieMom 37 months ago
10/10~ I watch it all the time on the GAC Family Channel
Filmnoirfan 37 months ago
5/10 - all guesses because I never watched the show
CouchPotato987 37 months ago
I only watched Full House 🏠 the first couple of seasons, after that it was very good. I had to guess on the later season answers. Lol…Still managed to get 7 out of 10 though. 😊
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