Can you name these celebrity guest stars who appeared on Night Gallery?

Connect these Night Gallery guest stars to their other works of art.

Night Gallery went beyond The Twilight Zone to deliver more supernatural-based chills, taking us out of science fiction and into the realm where anything's possible.

However different these shows were in theory, just like its predecessor, Night Gallery attracted a lot of major stars to help creator Rod Serling spin his dark art from episode to episode. For some of them, Night Gallery was their first appearance on TV. For others, they're huge pop idols who the show cleverly masked in creepy makeup.

Think you can recognize every guest star pictured below, and connect the dots to pick out their biggest hit movies and TV shows? Only the fans who keep their eyes peeled can get 7/10. Good luck!
  1. Here's a familiar face that fans of this big '60s sitcom will remember fondly:
  2. Keep '60s sitcoms in your head for this guest star, who rose to fame as a funny gal in which series?
  3. This movie star landed a small part on Night Gallery five years before which hit film rocketed him to fame?
  4. Pick the TV character that this guest star is most famous for:
  5. This guest star had a memorable recurring role in which sitcom that he also created?
  6. We saw this actress on Night Gallery seven years before she would win an Oscar for this movie:
  7. Night Gallery welcomed this actor in his first TV appearance ever, more than 10 years before he'd become known as a prominent supporting character in which movie?
  8. This prominent movie star of the late '50s and '60s also used Night Gallery to pivot to TV in the 1970s:
  9. Time to get a little tricky. Do you recognize the star of this '60s show, who appeared on Night Gallery under all that makeup?
  10. Look closely here at Night Gallery's interpretation of the Phantom. The heavily costumed guest star here is best known for starring in which '80s parody film?

Can you name these celebrity guest stars who appeared on Night Gallery?

Your Result...

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Tresix 32 months ago
10/10. This was where I first saw Leslie Nielsen. It was also the first time I learned that “Leslie” could be a man’s name as well as a woman’s.
dethLSMO89 59 months ago
Where were the pictures? They didn't show up on my phone so I was just guessing.
TexasGreek 60 months ago
Missed #7 knew Randy, picked wrong movie.. oh well

You got 9 out of 10
CouchPotato19 62 months ago
One of the few times I got 'em all!
April 69 months ago
I wasn't born till 1975, I got 6 out of 10!! Not bad if you ask me.
ladyailiken 70 months ago
You got 7 out of 10
Smile! You saw stars through all of Night Gallery's smoke and mirrors.
EllisClevenger 71 months ago
You got 5 out of 10
Don't feel too bad, Night Gallery sometimes managed to twist many major stars beyond recognition.
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