Can you pass the huge Honeymooners trivia quiz?
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He was called The Great One. John Herbert Gleason was born in New York, New York. "Jackie" had a rough adolescence, filled with abandonment, tragedy, street gangs and low-wage work. Once Gleason got his break, few believed the fast-living funnyman would make it last. Yet with his entertainment savvy, drive and charm, he would become one of the titans of 20th-century pop.
He turned his roots into source material for one of the all-time great sitcoms, The Honeymooners. The blue-collar characters lived on television for decades, from their sketch comedy origins to their beloved sitcom to reunion specials.
They even inspired The Flintstones.
Yes, the Honeymooners are an American institution. Let's see how well you know them.

What does Ed Norton do for a living?
Ralph drives a bus. What is the name of the bus company?
Ralph and Norton belong to the Loyal Order of… which animal?
The Honeymooners made their debut in 1951 as a sketch on this DuMont network series hosted by Jackie Gleason.
The characters lived in which borough of New York?
The Kramdens and Nortons lived at which street address?
The half-hour episodes of 'The Honeymooners' sitcom that aired on CBS from 1955–56 are called "The Classic…" this number.
Was 'The Honeymooners' filmed before a live studio audience?
What was the title of 'The Honeymooners' theme song?
Which Honeymooners actor won five Emmy awards for his or her role?
What is Alice's maiden name?
A scene from "The Man from Space" appeared in this beloved 1985 sci-fi blockbuster.
These Italian neighbors lived in the building with the Kramdens.
Who was the first actress to play the role of Alice Kramden on television?
Why was the above actress replaced?
What was the name of Alice's sister?
The color Honeymooners reunions in the 1960s were taped in this city where Jackie Gleason lived.
Norton served in which branch of the U.S. military?
Ralph plays this instrument in "Young Man with a Horn." His father gave it to him.
Ralph goes on this quiz show and flubs a question about the song "Swanee River."
Prior to creating The Honeymooners, Jackie Gleason starred in this sitcom from 1949–50.
The final Honeymooners production aired in this year.
This actress played the role of Alice Kramden from 1966–70.
This actress played the role of Trixie Norton in the "Color Honeymooners" of the 1960s.
Complete the name of this episode: "Dial J for _______"?

Can you pass the huge Honeymooners trivia quiz?
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