Can you remember these retro video games?

How well do you know your favorite games?


Video games have come a long way in these last few decades, but nothing quite beats the fun of those great classics. Whether you were gaming at home or out with friends at the arcade, it was sure to be a good time. In this quiz, we've collected a few shots of games from vintage advertisements, and you have to tell us if you can remember the title of the game.

  1. What video game is this commercial advertising?
  2. What video game is this commercial advertising?
  3. What video game is this commercial advertising?
  4. This video game is based off of which hero?
  5. What video game is this commercial advertising?
  6. What video game is this commercial advertising?
  7. What video game is this commercial advertising?
  8. This video game is based off of which superhero?
  9. What video game is this commercial advertising?
  10. What video game is this commercial advertising?
  11. What video game is this commercial advertising?
  12. What video game is this commercial advertising?

Can you remember these retro video games?

Your Result...

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CrumblyCrunchies 28 days ago
A "real gamer"? I don't even play video games...boring.
Coldnorth 29 days ago
10/12 I used to love playing frogger
Adamtwelvia 9 months ago
Hey, my brother would love this quiz! He'd ace it!
KellyO 11 months ago
11/12. I spent many 1980 teenage hours in the Nickle Palace playing Ms Pacman and Space Invaders.
StrayCat 11 months ago
12 of 12. But I have to say, these images are of extremely poor quality, making most of these games almost unrecognizable.
BradBeall 11 months ago
10 out of 12. Not too bad for somebody who was never (and still isn't) into video games.
DeannaT 11 months ago
11 out of 12. I didn't know the Flash Gordon one.
KellyO DeannaT 11 months ago
That was the one I missed, too. I will still play Ms Pacman if I can find one in an arcade when I take my grandkid!
Mark112763 11 months ago
I cut my teeth on these games. Pong came out when I was about ten years old. Don't even want to think about the fortune I spent over the years in quarters...
KellyO Mark112763 11 months ago
Same! I got a pong when I was 12. I had a Nickle Palace near me and paid 1.50 to get in then all games were a nickle. I practically lived there!
Clay 11 months ago
I actually never played any of these but just looked at the characters on the screen. 12/12. Not bad for a Pinball fan. Oops! I did play Pong at Johnnie Mercer's Pier at Wrightsville Beach in the 70's.
Coolrain 11 months ago
You got 11 out of 12
You're a real gamer!
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