Can you spot Lost in Space's ''Girl from the Green Dimension'' without her makeup?
Find this actress as a human on another classic series!

A Brooklyn native, Vitina Marcus won the title of Miss Bensonhurst in her youth. On the big screen, she appeared in The Lost World (1960), a sci-fi spectacular from the visionary Irwin Allen.
Marcus would make many appearances on television throughout the 1960s, notably on more shows produced by Allen.
But she is probably best known as Athena, "The Girl from the Green Dimension," in that classic episode of Lost in Space. (She previously appeared as essentially the same character, albeit named "Lorelei," in the earlier episode "Wild Adventure.")
Marcus continued to appear at Lost in Space conventions. Think you can spot her without all that green paint? Keep guessing until you find her!

Which one of these actresses played Athena in ''The Girl from the Green Dimension''?

Can you spot Lost in Space's ''Girl from the Green Dimension'' without her makeup?
Your Result...
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Here we have the Lost In Space main Themes used during the run of episodes. Which one do you like the best?
Yes! It's Hotel California by the Eagles.
Get 3 coffins ready. You upset my mule. So if you were to apologize. Oh did I say 3 make that 4 coffins.
I can see for miles and miles and miles................THE WHO.......
There is a creature alive today. It is as if God created the Devil. Yikes.
The Animals-House of the Rising Sun-HD.
Well done! That is indeed Vitina Marcus. She was on Gunsmoke, as seen here!
The only reason I got this on one try is that she was in a very dramatic Gunsmoke episode, she played an Indian woman married to a white man and at the end she cuts off 2 of her fingers to mourn her dead husband. I had never heard or seen her in anything else. Very beautiful though. 😍