Can you tell the difference between the first and last seasons of Leave it to Beaver?

The plots of each episode grew up just as much as the boys did.


The pioneering sitcom Leave it to Beaver paved the way for countless television shows to come. It put more of a focus on the kids rather than the adults and had an intentional, satisfying series finale – the first primetime show to do so.

It also evolved gradually each season to reflect the changing lives of its young stars. Naturally, plotlines used in season one weren’t necessarily right for season six, the final season.

We’ve compiled short summaries of episodes from both the first season and the last season of Leave it to Beaver. From these descriptions alone, can you guess which one is which?

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  1. Beaver’s teacher gives him a note to take home and he mistakenly thinks he’s being expelled.
  2. Beaver dresses in casual clothes to a football awards banquet only to realize everyone else there is dressed formally.
  3. Wally and Beaver keep a baby alligator in the toilet tank.
  4. Wally starts taking driving lessons.
  5. Beaver accepts invitations by two different girls to go to a school dance.
  6. Beaver loses his haircut money, so Wally gives him one at home to disastrous results.
  7. Clarence “Lumpy” Rutherford wins the college scholarship that Wally was hoping to get.
  8. Aunt Martha gives Beaver an outfit that gets him teased at school.
  9. Wally and Beaver set a booby-trap for a bully but end up getting his father instead.
  10. Beaver’s crush, Betsy, writes his autobiography for a school assignment but ends up embarrassing him.
  11. Wally and Beaver have to call the fire department after the 4-year-old girl they’re babysitting gets locked in the bathroom.
  12. Beaver gets a job as a golf caddy and sees one of the golfers cheating to win a bet.
  13. A girl makes fun of Beaver’s hair, saying he looks like a sheep dog.
  14. Mr. Cleaver buys a basketball hoop for his sons but ruins the fun when he gives the boys too many pointers on how to play like a pro.
  15. Beaver wants a job as a paperboy but the position is already filled by a girl.
  16. Beaver gets a ticket for riding a go-kart in the street.

Can you tell the difference between the first and last seasons of Leave it to Beaver?

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Antenna2 4 months ago
16 - not too hard, almost had to leave to wash my hands on one or two.
bsantaniello 4 months ago
16/16. After watching it twice a day for years I should get them all correct! 😋
STTOS 9 months ago
You got 16 out of 16 - How did you see yourself doing on this quiz? Most of them were very easy (driving lessons or college scholarship in season 1?) but did have to think a bit on a couple of them.
Ilovereruns 9 months ago
16/16. I didn't even have to fully read any of the questions.

I'll ace anything Leave it to Beaver.

Greatest TV show ever.
Ready2go 31 months ago
16/16. Still watch every weekday. RIP Tony.
frannie0820 43 months ago
Csn anyone n e tell me how you can see the beaver?
cperrynaples frannie0820 42 months ago
No, I'm not going to do THAT kind of joke, much as I would like to...LOL!
phialpha 48 months ago
15 out of 16. Eddie Haskell would be so impressed Sam!
Mob39 50 months ago
You got 15 out of 16 Not too bad since I haven’t seen every single episode! I love Leave it to Beaver! 😻
Dario 50 months ago
15 out of 16. Got No. 15 wrong. 😁😁😁😁😁
Mob39 Dario 50 months ago
I got #11 wrong
Dario Mob39 50 months ago
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