Can you unscramble the names of these M*A*S*H characters?

Can you figure out the true identities of Peewee Hayrick and Johnny Metric?

Oh no! Someone back at HQ has scrambled up all the names from the 4077th. 

Believe it or not, the ten strange names below all belong to regular characters from the M*A*S*H television series. See if you can unscramble the letters and match them to the correct face. Good luck!

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  1. Who is this "Peewee Hayrick" fellow really?
  2. Who is this "Stephen Mortar" character?
  3. Who the heck is this so-called "Lex Milkwrangle"?
  4. Who could this "Ariella Dorry" truly be?
  5. Can you figure out who "Helen Barky" is supposed to be?
  6. Hmm… who is this "Johnny Metric" guy?
  7. Try and puzzle out who exactly this "Aaron Hermitlaugh" really is.
  8. Huh… who could "Jaclyn Hohum" be?
  9. "Mandy Denefries" is not a real name in the 4077th. Unscramble it.
  10. Finally, figure out the identity of this "Zoe Hurlritz."

Can you unscramble the names of these M*A*S*H characters?

Your Result...

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epickett 25 months ago
WAY easy, since there were also 3 choices for each. Now if they had just given us the 'scrambles', that would have been a LOT tougher.
Rickey 65 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
Well done! We salute your superior TV trivia knowledge!
LeeHarper 65 months ago
EllisClevenger 72 months ago
You got 8 out of 10
Well done! We salute your superior TV trivia knowledge!
Missed -
#10 Never knew Sgt. Zale had a first name.
# 6 Always called him 'Trapper'. Forgot his name was 'Trapper' John.
Zelmo Zale, he mentioned it in Season 6 Patient 4077 when they were trying to create a new clamp
JeffTanner 72 months ago
You got 10 out of 10 ----------------Well done! We salute your superior TV trivia knowledge!
anthony 72 months ago
7/10. Should have not taken this one on an empty brain.
gracie200 72 months ago
got number 8 wrong....isn't father mulcahy's first name Francis - not John? shoulda got it right anyways. duh.
ndebrabant 72 months ago

You got 10 out of 10
Well done! We salute your superior TV trivia knowledge!
Kirsten 72 months ago

You got 10 out of 10
Well done! We salute your superior TV trivia knowledge!
teire 72 months ago
8/10. Did better than I usually do with the scrambles — my brain does not like them.
cperrynaples 72 months ago
8/10! Easy if you look at key letters! The ones I missed were 4 [since the quiz mostly avoided nicknames, you should have scrambled Walter O'Reilly] and 9 [not fair to include non-regular characters]!
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