Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "Barney Runs for Sheriff"

In which Barney runs but not very far!

 CBS Television Distribution

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This quiz is about Season 5, Episode 21: "Barney Runs for Sheriff". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. Andy told ______ he'd take the new job.
  2. Andy says he might have to _________ Helen if he gets the job.
  3. Opie confuses tortillas with...
  4. Barney declares himself spokesman of the...
  5. What's the campaign slogan Barney comes up with for Andy?
  6. Floyd says the poster makes Barney look like he _________.
  7. What happens to Barney's posters?
  8. How many documented cases of malfeasance does Barney bring?
  9. Out of all those, Barney leads off with a complaint about...
  10. What three words emblazoned Barney's poster?

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "Barney Runs for Sheriff"

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mda 6 months ago
8/10. Goober says to Andy "Ain't yah got a jack?"
Zip 6 months ago
Well, better than my last score of 4, I guess.
8176Morgan 6 months ago
6/10. And with quite a bit of guess work at that!
Guinness 6 months ago
Aced this episode, no tear gas just a shovel and a rake. Is this good government?
gockionni 6 months ago
9/10, missed #3, and I usually pay more attention to what Opie says than anyone else on TAGS.
gockionni gockionni 6 months ago

My cat Opie
Too funny. We just rescued a cat and named him Opie.
That’s so sweet! And both Opie’s look quite similar! Ours found us - he was poking his head up through the steps at the end of the porch. Took him a long time to trust us and now he’s family!
We were on a walk and he followed us home. Thank you for giving Ope a home.
And thank you for rescuing your Opie!! I’m sure he’s more than grateful that you made him family!!
kathyo 6 months ago
4/10 i seem to be the lowest scorer
Wendy57 6 months ago
Another great Barney episode.
frenchman71 6 months ago
8/10. Got #4 & 6 wrong. Barney shouldn't have done nothing or spend any money on the campaign posters. Andy woulda won anyway.
His room needed papering anyway
edcrumpacker 6 months ago
10/10. Outstandin'! My episode!
Here's a fun fact for ya'll, Ed Crumpacker was an actual human being.
Edgar J. Crumpacker ( last name is spelled different) 1851-1920.
Lawyer, politician and a U.S. Representative.
Andy sure did know how to pick his friends. L.O.L. 😂🤣😅
Love this episode
edcrumpacker edcrumpacker 6 months ago
From Indiana.
frenchman71 edcrumpacker 6 months ago
Good research.
edcrumpacker frenchman71 6 months ago
Thank you frenchman71,not really, I just Google him anyone can do it. But thank you anyway sir.

Congratulations on getting your name mentioned in the very first question. 👏
The fact that the job went to somebody's cousin sounds like something a politician would do. 😆
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