Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "Barney's First Car"
In which Barney buys a clunker!

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This quiz is about Season 3, Episode 27: "Barney's First Car". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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How much money does Barney withdraw from his savings?
Barney: "From now on, I am Mr. _______________."
What did Barney buy his parents for their anniversary?
What's the name of the "widow" who sells Barney the car?
What was the name of her "late husband"?
What's her accomplice called?
Who says "I hope I don't get car sick"?
According to Barney, who keeps their farmer better than anyone else in Mayberry?
What was in the car's transmission?
What's the name of the second lady to offer Barney a car?

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "Barney's First Car"
Your Result...
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You got 10 out of 10
Would ya just look at that score?!
One of my favorite episodes.
I love as they are driving and commenting on the scenery, then the steering column lifts up towards Barney, like a snake. So funny.
Couldn't believe Grandma Walton could be such a creep.
I've always wondered what it was like for the actors when they showed them in the car from the front, with no dashboard there. Just a steering wheel.