Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "My Fair Ernest T. Bass"

In which Ernest T. goes from pig to Pygmalion!

 CBS Television Distribution

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This quiz is about Season 4, Episode 17: "My Fair Ernest T. Bass". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. Andy and Barney respond to a call from a Mrs...
  2. Barney claims they'll chemically analyze evidence in the form of...
  3. Barney: "I wouldn't touch his __ with a ten-foot pole."
  4. Ernest T. tells tale of a "proper courtship" that results in...
  5. When Opie asks for the ______, Ernest T. throws it.
  6. Andy describes Barney as a...
  7. Why does Ernest T. speak through his nose?
  8. Andy means to pass Ernest T. off as his cousin...
  9. The party's host thinks Ernest T. is from...
  10. What's the name of the woman Ernest T. dances with?

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "My Fair Ernest T. Bass"

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Take another quiz: A quiz about famous husbands
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Renny13 5 days ago
10/10. Howard Morris was excellent in that roll!
sjbang88 5 days ago
9/10 that's funny, because I don't really care for the Ernest T Bass character
Awthomas123 7 days ago
10/10 up there on my list of being one of the best episodes. Every scene is good but the best one I think is when Romonna said: it rained and Ernest replied: Ya I know, I was right there in it.
mda 8 days ago
8/10. I love this episode. I laugh when Barney knocks on the Taylor front door and Ernest T says "I wonder who that could be."

Ernest T-"Who you calling the creature?"
Buzzyleonard mda 8 days ago
You can afford to be mighty proud of yourself.
Zip 9 days ago
Any episode with Ernest T. Bass in it is a good one in my book.
Wendy57 9 days ago
There’s somebody for everyone, I guess.
Back-Bay Boston ????
Bookman1963 9 days ago
"Andy, if you flew a quail in here, every woman would point."
Barney said that
edcrumpacker 9 days ago
10/10. Outstanding!
"Yeah, I reckon the bestest thing for me is just find myself a cave and just hermatize myself"
"How do you do Mrs. Wiley"?
"No coffee, tea or punch, thank you"
I love Barney's "ammenninies"
frenchman71 9 days ago
6/10. Absolutely hated this episode.
Jeff_Woo10 9 days ago
10/10. If you wrote this into a play, nobody would believe it.
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