Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "The Luck of Newton Monroe"

In which Don Rickles sells bad goods!

 CBS Television Distribution

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This quiz is about Season 5, Episode 29: "The Luck of Newton Monroe." See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. The episode begins with Barney catching a...
  2. Then, Barney heads down to the filling station to get...
  3. Floyd bought himself a new _______.
  4. What does Newton call the ring he shows Barney?
  5. How much did the fur cost Barney?
  6. Andy and Barney interrupt the sale of _______ dishes.
  7. Newton says his mother is in her late...
  8. A ________ corroborates Mr. Monroe's story of above-board goods.
  9. Barney also buys a ______ from Newton.
  10. Newton leaves sales behind and becomes a...

Daily Andy Griffith Quiz: "The Luck of Newton Monroe"

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mda 4 months ago
10/10. Barney says the fur is coming out in "bunches, bunches!"
Zip 4 months ago

Love Don Rickles.
I wonder how many actors he lambasted on the set of TAGS during this shoot.
frenchman71 4 months ago
8/10. Never cared for this episode.
Wendy57 4 months ago
One of my favorite episodes.
I’ve always loved Don Rickles .
He was the best comedian along with Rodney Dangerfield in my humble opinion.
MikefromJersey Wendy57 4 months ago
I saw Rickles in Atlantic City and Rodney in Vegas, where me and my 3 buddies smeared the
maître d' to give us a table next to the stage. Big mistake, Rodney noticed us pounding the
beers and delivering punchlines - not loudly but to each other as we all had his LP record -
which he overheard and then targeted us as comic foils.
Usual Jersey gibes after asking where we were from, but we didn't care,, we talked to Rodney!
Wendy57 MikefromJersey 4 months ago
How cool was that !!!
We lived in NJ for 3 yrs while our kids were young. My husband worked at a chemical plant in Carteret.
MikefromJersey Wendy57 4 months ago
Carteret has made a comeback, it now has a big Arts Center drawing top notch stars.
WOR radio had its backup antenna there, so once in awhile Jean Shepherd did his show from
there(Shep the author of the "Christmas Story" movie, Ralphie based on him as a kid).
Did your hubby ever run into Shep? He would talk about Carteret and the locals when he worked
from there.
Wendy57 MikefromJersey 4 months ago
I doubt it. My husband worked as the Maintenance Manager at FMC. Not a very glamorous job, but, we enjoyed NJ a lot.
It was our first move from the CA SF Bay Area.
paulbryars 4 months ago
6 of 10. Thought I’d do better because I love this episode.
edcrumpacker 4 months ago
10/10. Outstandin'!
Not a big fan of the last few episodes of season 5. Hard to watch. 😔😕☹🥺
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Barney returned in "Mayberry RFD", he was Andy's Best Man when he married Grumpy Crumpy.
He went on their honeymoon with them, the last shot was of him and Andy singing a song
to Helen in the Honeymoon suite.
I assume, hopefully, that at song's end Barney finally left them alone.
Mayberry RFD runs Saturdays on MeTV+ .
I don't think I've ever seen a single episode of RFD. Except maybe the pilot which I believe was the final episode of TAGS.
Thats too bad, there are some good episodes. Please don't let the Mayberry Taliban - who maintain
that only the first five seasons of TAGS "shalt be viewed"- influence you.
Its good entertainment, slower paced on purpose and gentler, so if one loves Mayberry he
will appreciate Ken Berry and crew in the sequel.
RFD's tone is set with the opening credits as Berry and son have a lazy catch with each other,
to a slow paced theme, you aren't going to get the craziness of Fife locking up half the town
including Aunt Bee and Opie.
The color TAGS feature some all time great episodes such as when Howard opts to live on a island
paradise, it is hilarious poking fun at a dream most everyone has had.
I've seen many of the color episodes, including the island episode you mentioned.
FredGoss88 4 months ago
10/10. One of my favorites. So funny.
Agreed. Very good. Any time Barney gets an antagonist, it's fun.
FLETCH 4 months ago
4 out of 10. Not very good but that's normal for me 🤷‍♂️

As a kid, our house had a book titled "101 Pickle Jokes" ... don't ask me why lol

What's green and insulting?

Don Pickles 🙂
That's funny. 😁
BuzzFluheart 4 months ago
9/10. Missed #7. Not sure this episode worked as planned. Maybe not intentional, but you have two big comedy powerhouses trying to outdo each other.
How big was Rickles at this time, 1965 I guess? Had he broken yet at this point ?
He made several guest appearances on shoes during the 60s. Wonder why he was never given a recurring role on a show.
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