Daily Andy Griffith Quote Quiz: ''Gomer the House Guest''

Hey... Who said that?!

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We know you love these episodes, and now we want to see how good a listener you are!

Journey back to Mayberry with a Quote Quiz every day. We'll give you a piece of dialogue, and you tell us which character said it. Or, maybe we'll have you fill in the blank with a missing word or two.

Good luck, have fun, and share your score in the comments section below for ultimate bragging rights!

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  1. Who says... "Maybe you ate too much supper."
  2. Who asks... "You think they'll ask me that?"
  3. Who says... "Got more room than I know what to do with!"?
  4. Who asks... "You know anything about cuttin’ meat?"
  5. Who says... "Well, it don't seem right."?
  6. Who says... "Well, if you didn't gulp your coffee, you wouldn't burn your mouth."?
  7. Who asks... "Do you think Shep and Ralph saved Dave?"
  8. Who says... "There's something that's gnawin' at me."?
  9. Andy: "You gotta see the _________ Aunt Bee's gotta throw out..."
  10. Who says... "Say, you, uh, ain't had any luck findin' a job, huh?"

Daily Andy Griffith Quote Quiz: ''Gomer the House Guest''

Your Result...

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teire 1 hour ago
7/10. Despite not remembering these particular quotes.
MrsPhilHarris 3 hours ago
Yikes! 5/10 I know this was on recently but I caught a couple of minutes of this episode.
That should say “I only caught a few minutes” like the part with Andy smoking.
JHP 3 hours ago
9/10 - #9 got me Didn't think they would EVER throw fried chicken away
Robersot JHP 2 hours ago
Unless she got the chicken from Diamond Jim's and it was as bad as that beef.
Blaketon Robersot 2 hours ago
Hahahaha! :)
JHP Robersot 1 hour ago
Yeah maybe he tried to pass it off as a chicken and it was a crow that ANGE shot:)
seltaeb 4 hours ago
Different Wally in this episode. Anybody notice Andy was smoking in bed😧
Michele seltaeb 3 hours ago
I did! 🚬
JHP seltaeb 3 hours ago
And another thing about that is that in the whole series - no mention of a Fire Dept of mayberry
MrsPhilHarris seltaeb 3 hours ago
I did and I thought it was odd. 🚬
Robersot JHP 2 hours ago
It was mentioned once . When Andy saved Gomers life ,he said they were having a boil dinner at the fire house. What's a boil dinner?
JHP Robersot 1 hour ago
well I aint from the south...dunt have any ide-er. Now if they were in Louisiana (YUM!)
Michele 4 hours ago
You got 6 out of 10 Yikes!😬 I sucked on this one!
MrsPhilHarris Michele 3 hours ago
I only got 5.
Muleskinner 4 hours ago
10/10. The funniest line is when Gomer says he’s going to the market because they advertised for an experienced butcher. Andy asks if he knows anything about cutting meat, and Gomer says, “You think they’ll ask me that?” 🤣😂😆
JHP Muleskinner 1 hour ago
Now remember ANGE told Malcolm Tucker (from the buffalo Tuckers) that Gomer was studying to be a surgeon:)
hastyburford 4 hours ago
9/10 it seems I was a little deficient in my duties
Robersot hastyburford 2 hours ago
Just don't show any apathy.
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