Daily Andy Griffith Quote Quiz: "Opie the Birdman"

Hey... Who said that?!

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Journey back to Mayberry with a Quote Quiz every day. We'll give you a piece of dialogue, and you tell us which character said it. Or, maybe we'll have you fill in the blank with a missing word or two.

Good luck, have fun, and share your score in the comments section below for ultimate bragging rights!

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  1. Who says... "You just listen to that for a while."?
  2. Who says... "All wild creatures shy away from anything with man smell."?
  3. Who says... "Maybe we should get a larger cage. They need a bigger place."?
  4. Who says... "Fact is, Opie's just become a mother!"?
  5. Who asks... "Cage sure looks awful empty don't it?"
  6. Who says... "Fixin' some breakfast."?
  7. Who says... "But don't the trees seem nice and full?"
  8. Who says... "Oh. Bugs and worms and things, huh?"
  9. Who says... "That's good to know...next time I go tiger huntin', I'm gonna take my tweezers."?
  10. Who says... "Well, there's that one other thing that she woulda done. That's to let 'em go."?

Daily Andy Griffith Quote Quiz: "Opie the Birdman"

Your Result...

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TheWomer 9 hours ago
Outstandin’! 9/10. Not a fan of this one.
Wendy57 9 hours ago
I’ve tried to nurse young birds, sometimes it worked out and unfortunately sometimes not.
MrsPhilHarris 10 hours ago
8/10 Missed #6 and 8. I know it’s one of the top rated but I don’t care for this episode.
ElvisPresleyFan 13 hours ago
Andy should have taken him behind the wood shed!
Calhoun1959 14 hours ago
On a light note I thought it was funny when Barney translated the bird whistles into words. Tweet, tweet, tweeet - I’m doing fine!!
Jacki 15 hours ago
8/10. I know I'll get some flack for saying this, but I'm entitled to my opinion and feelings, and my feelings are that I hated this episode. Opie with that darn slingshot killing that poor Momma bird; it was awful and I Did cry when he did that. Whenever I see that the episode is on, I change the channel. And I know Opie felt bad after he did it, well, that doesn't bring the Momma bird back. 😥
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I’m glad you rescued the little guy.
Jacki MrsPhilHarris 9 hours ago
I always change the channel when that episode is on. That was horrible what those brats in your neighborhood did. I just can't understand why some kids are so cruel. Well, I hope Karma repays them.
Jacki MrsPhilHarris 9 hours ago
I always change the channel when that episode is on. That was horrible what those brats in your neighborhood did. I just can't understand why some kids are so cruel. Well, I hope Karma repays them.
MrsPhilHarris Jacki 9 hours ago
I complained and they had their BB guns taken away by their parents.
tnminnow 15 hours ago
9/10 missed #8. This wasn't one of my favorite episodes.🐦‍⬛🐦
Big3Fan 15 hours ago
Only nine. Where did David get the inner tube?
Calhoun1959 Big3Fan 14 hours ago
Calhoun1959 15 hours ago
7/10 I almost wanted to cry when he killed the bird
Jacki Calhoun1959 15 hours ago
I did cry. In my opinion, it was an awful episode.
Guinness Jacki 8 hours ago
There's a lesson in there somewhere.
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