Who said it: Barney Fife or Hawkeye Pierce?

Were these words said in Mayberry or the 4077th?

 Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution/CBS Television Distribution

It would be such an iconic moment if Barney Fife and Hawkeye Pierce were on the same show. Both characters were imperative to their shows and have said some memorable lines.

On The Andy Griffith Show, Barney Fife was the deputy you'd love to be around. Not only was he hilarious, but he also had a good heart. On M*A*S*H, Hawkeye Pierce was the man in charge, but he was loving too...in a silly way.

You never knew what to expect when these two characters were talking. Now, we want you to guess who said these lines.

Good luck!

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Weeknights at 6 PM, Sundays at 7 PM

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  1. Who said it?: "What's the matter? Haven't you ever seen a man take off a dress before?"
  2. Who said it?: "Life, liberty and pursuit of happy hour."
  3. Who said it?: "Did I interrupt you in the middle of someone?"
  4. Who said it?: "If there's anything that upsets me, it's having people say I'm sensitive!"
  5. Who said it?: "I discussed you with everyone I know, and we all find you disgusting."
  6. Who said it?: "Well, if it ain't daddy long legs."
  7. Who said it?: "I'm armed, and if you don't go home, I just might take a shot at you!"
  8. Who said it?: "Unhand me you varlet, you know not who you touch."
  9. Who said it?: "Rule number one: obey all rules. Secondly do not write on the walls as it is very difficult to remove writing off of walls."
  10. Who said it?: "Did anyone ever tell you, you have the voice of a songbird slowly drowning in tar?"

Who said it: Barney Fife or Hawkeye Pierce?

Your Result...

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tinkparker 17 days ago
8/10 I watch a lot of andy griffith
Texasjones44 19 days ago
8 of 10 on a repeat quiz.
I needs to remember better. Heh.
DisneyDreamer 21 days ago
Ten out of Ten!
TAGS superfan and devoted fan of Bernie(Just SHUT UP Bernie!🤣)
KellyO 21 days ago
10/10 Love both shows so wasn't difficult to figure out the snark of Hawkeye vs the unwittingly hilarious Barney Fife.
mda 21 days ago
9/10. Love Andy Griffith show. Can't stand MASH. Missed number 7. What episode is that from?
Payneiam mda 21 days ago
Same here, 9/10 Love Andy Griffith, never watch Mash and don’t remember Barney ever threatening to Shoot someone.
Jacki mda 14 days ago
I totally agree.
CrumblyCrunchies 21 days ago
9/10 Boy, there's a combo. Like saurkraut and ice cream
Steve67 22 days ago
10/10 I thought it would be fairly easy and was right
Calhoun1959 22 days ago
Jacki Calhoun1959 21 days ago
Same score as me.☺️ I don't know Mash, but I do know Bernie, oh I mean Barney...he's "a scream!".😄
BenSobeleone Jacki 21 days ago
"There once was a deputy named Fyfe,
who carried a gun and a knife,
the gun was all dusty,
the knife was all rusty,
'cause he never caught a crook in his life."
Jacki BenSobeleone 21 days ago
😂 That's so funny...I love it. I remember that episode. Barney thought little Opie wrote it, but little Opie couldn't read or write yet. 😄
DisneyDreamer Jacki 21 days ago
Love the comment fellow
Bernie fan ... 🫢Oops, Barney, Big Barn, Bernard🤭😉
Jacki DisneyDreamer 21 days ago
Thanks fellow Bernie/Barney fan! He's "such a scream". I love that quote. 😄
BenSobeleone Jacki 20 days ago
Poor Barney! Everybody's picking on old Barn!
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