Which television detective are you hiring to solve these mysteries?

The best way to take this quiz is while listening to the Law and Order theme song on repeat!

 NBC/Universal/CBS Television Distribution

Everyone loves a good detective show, but when things get hairy, can you actually trust these people to do their jobs? We've compiled a list of hypothetical scenarios.

  1. Someone at work stole your lunch out of the communal fridge! Who do you want on the case to find the culprit?
  2. One of your friends has been gossiping about you behind your back. Which detective are you calling to discover who that two-faced rat is?
  3. You're walking down the street when a stranger rushes past and steals your wallet! Who are you sending on that robber's tail?
  4. Some monster in your neighborhood has stolen the password to your Wi-Fi! Which television detective are you hiring?
  5. Some hooligans keep ding dong ditching your door! Which on-screen sleuth are you asking for help finding those fiends?
  6. Someone keeps letting their dog go to the bathroom on your lawn! Who are you hiring to find out which of your neighbors the culprit is?
  7. Someone sneezed on you (on purpose) and a week later, you got sick! Which detective will you hire to find patient zero?
  8. You have two roommates. One of them is using your very expensive shampoo that you keep in a shared shower. Which detective will you hire to find the culprit?
  9. Someone you thought was a friend steals one of your prized stuffed animals and then flees the country. Who would you hire to track them down?
  10. Oh no! You've been murdered! It's out of your hands, but which detective would you feel most confident in tracking down the killer?

Which television detective are you hiring to solve these mysteries?

Your Result...

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ncadams27 1 hour ago
I would love to see #5 on an episode of Dragnet - The Big Doorbell Ringer.

Friday: I was rainy in Los Angeles. My partner is Bill Gannon. We are working out of Property Crimes.
Gannon: We got a report of a serial door bell ringer.
Friday: Let’s go out and canvas the neighborhood. Knock on some doors and … well, let’s just knock on the doors.
Dum, da dum dum!

— 30 min later —

(Captains office)
Captain: So, you found out what happened?
Gannon: The homeowner had a motion detector on his doorbell and somebody left a package with a balloon tied to it.
Friday: It was just like Bob Dylan said.
Captain, Gannon: What?
Friday: Like he said, the answer was blowing in the wind.

leeroyprice 1 hour ago
Matlock is the person that stole yer lunch. He had to feed Ole Barn.
TheJackOfCups 1 hour ago
Didn’t like either voice on #3. Jessica would only help if I were related to her or a family friend. Kolchak would only care if it was newsworthy
Choice. Not voice
MrsPhilHarris 1 hour ago
90% similar. I’ve not seen half of the shows.
Snickers 2 hours ago
90% similar. What no Matt Houston or Sam McCloud?
ElvisPresleyFan 2 hours ago
80% similar.
Kojak, really!
We all know Monk wraps it up in the last 15 minutes plus hw even switches to b&w to give you that flashback feel.
TheNostalgic 2 hours ago
I love Kojak but I don't think he would be particularly torn up over my dying.
I had to go with Monk.
Jacki 2 hours ago
50% similar. Some weird questions on this quiz. Someone using my shampoo? Someone taking my sandwich from the lunch room; well, if it was a special turkey sandwich with a gravy-soaked bread in the middle, that may be different...I would have to call Ross from Friends; he would definitely know how to handle the situation. 😂😂
TheNostalgic Jacki 2 hours ago
Velma, not Columbo, will find your shampoo.
Cannon will gladly camp in front of your yard eating barbecue.
leeroyprice Jacki 1 hour ago
If some idiot stole my Prell, I'd, I just would! You made me hungry, with that turkey and gravy sandwich talk.
Jacki leeroyprice 1 hour ago
😄 You have to watch that episode of Friends when someone keeps stealing Ross's sandwich at work. 🥪It's hilarious.😂 😂 It's season 5, episode 9.
Sway 2 hours ago
Not all of those choices are Detectives, private or otherwise. Anyway, Thomas Magnum..
Peter_Falk_Fan 3 hours ago
100% I didn't even have to look at the questions with the Columbo choices.

When I read the situation in #3, I thought of Paul Kersey and the camera theft scene in "Death Wish 3."
deltadart 4 hours ago

Every one of my answers reflected classic characters over the newer shows. That's nice!
Jeremy 4 hours ago
I took this quiz anyway but some of the scenarios and the right choices to most of them didn't make sense because these detectives mostly deal with big crimes like homicide (murder), extortion, kidnapping, robbing banks, etc. These are pretty much small, nobody-at-the-end-of-the-day-actually-cares-about-them crimes.
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