Do you have the luck of the Irish? Then answer these questions about Irish stuff!

Tora Lora Lora, etc.


How big do you go on St. Paddy's Day?

Are you a big pub fan? How are you at wielding a shillelagh?

Whether you're an expert or not, we hope you'll have fun racking your brain about all this Irish stuff. Good luck, and be sure to share your score in the comments section below!

  1. Where is the Guinness brewery headquarters?
  2. The green and orange of the flag represent...
  3. Irish coffee traditionally includes...
  4. When is St. Paddy's Day?
  5. Irish soda bread doesn't have any...
  6. Irish Wolfhounds are the ________ dog breed.
  7. The word ‘whiskey’ comes from the Irish ‘uisce beatha’, meaning...
  8. Which of these was written by Oscar Wilde?
  9. Where are the Cliffs of Mohre closest to?
  10. Fill in the blank of this Irish blessing: "May the road rise up to meet you. May the ______ always be at your back."

Do you have the luck of the Irish? Then answer these questions about Irish stuff!

Your Result...

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Peter_Falk_Fan 7 minutes ago
9/10 I missed #9. #8 was a lucky guess.
I can't wait for St. Patrick's Day. My wife makes Irish stew with half a bottle of Guinness (my favorite beer), Irish soda bread, and Irish apple cake.
justjeff 1 hour ago
7/10... as I had to guess at some of the questions. Now, my late mother would have been *really* disappointed if I *hadn't* known when St. Patrick's Day was... She was born March 17, 1912, about a month before the Titanic went down...
Poolboy13 2 hours ago
7/10 Gosh an begora chief O'Hara
Robersot Poolboy13 1 hour ago
3/10 saints preserve us.
72doug 2 hours ago
8/10! missed the last two numbers, 9 and 10.
Big3Fan 3 hours ago
Only five. ❌❌☘☘☘☘❌❌❌☘
Muleskinner 3 hours ago
6/10. ‘‘Twas a bit of bad luck on this quiz.
Bookman1963 3 hours ago
5/10. Guess no one will kiss me, since I'm definitely not Irish. Good thing I'm married.
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