Daily Andy Quote Quiz: "Opie and the Bully"

Hey.. Who said that?!

 CBS Television Distribution

Here it is, a spiritual successor to our Daily Andy Griffith Quiz

We know you love these episodes, and now we want to see how good a listener you are! 

Journey back to Mayberry with a Quote Quiz every day. We'll give you a piece of dialogue, and you tell us which character said it. Or, maybe we'll have you fill in the blank with a missing word or two. 

Good luck, have fun, and share your score in the comments section below for ultimate bragging rights!

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  1. Who asks... "Would you take this down to the courthouse and hold it there for me?"
  2. Who says... "She sure does kick up a fuss, don't she?"
  3. Who says... "You know what I'll do to you if you tell anyone."
  4. Andy: "I don't want him to be the kind of boy lookin' for ________, but I don't want him to run from one when he's in the right."
  5. Who says... "It ain't easy gettin' a peanut butter and jelly sandwich down dry!"
  6. Opie: "First, you’ll pulverize me, then you’ll knock my ______ off...."
  7. Opie: "...then you’ll give me the old __________, then you’ll jump on me”."
  8. The jail set changes between Season 1 and Season 2. Which of these is added?
  9. What was Andy's bully named?
  10. What is added to the opening credits now that it's Season 2?

Daily Andy Quote Quiz: "Opie and the Bully"

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Magleedia 3 months ago
I clicked my heels 3 times - I wish I were in Mayberry. I wish I were in Mayberry. I wish I were in Mayberry.
Still in Assachusetts. :(
ASperos 4 months ago
10/10! Can’t stand bullies!
Jacki ASperos 4 months ago
I totally agree. I can't stand bullies either.
gockionni 4 months ago
8/10. I detest bullies! It’s hard enough when you’re a kid but when you work with bullies as an adult, it’s even tougher. Kids are more easily forgiving, but adults who are relentlessly jabbing, undermining and attacking others on the job have real problems. Unfortunately, in government work it often goes unresolved; the higher ups don’t want the attention brought to their agencies. Isn’t that sick? I endured 25 years of that crap from time to time. However, what really helped me was to remember something my mother always said. “Mean people hurt others because they’re hurting,” she’d say when we were younger. So, instead of retaliation, I prayed. You wouldn’t believe how many of those bullies left our agency because of prayer!! Amen!!
Although, two of the offenders went on to other offices as supervisors - go figure. At least I didn’t have to deal with their problems anymore!
ShagbarkH1Ck0ry 4 months ago
10/10 The unspoken connection between Opie and Andy right before Opie's fight always brings a lump to my throat.
Jacki ShagbarkH1Ck0ry 4 months ago
When Andy picks Opie up and gives him such a heartfelt hug brings tears to my eyes.❤️
frenchman71 4 months ago
9/10. Got #8 wrong. I don't know which season but they added a door to the left of the cells which was never used.
seltaeb frenchman71 4 months ago
The door was there in season 1 but was replaced with a brick wall and they placed a window where the wall was left of the jail cells.
Payneiam frenchman71 4 months ago
I think the door was there early in the series then it disappeared and replaced with the gas heater.
IndianaRockz 4 months ago

Love me a PBJ, not dry, but worsh it down with a big ol' glass of milk.
frenchman71 IndianaRockz 4 months ago
Just had the same thing 2 nites ago.
Zip 4 months ago
Missed #2. Just sounded similar to something Opie might say.
Schpash 4 months ago
9/10. Hoadie Snitch said beat it boy!
NipIt 4 months ago
10/10 Ain’t it a beaut!! 😂
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