Wait, are these beverages actually better hot?

This tea is best served piping hot.


We asked you some questions about your favorite fall beverages, and a lot of commenters had some strong opinions about Hot Dr. Pepper, a festive treat commonly enjoyed a few decades ago. With that being said, it's time we settle this whole "Hot versus Iced" debate, once and for all. We'll give you a beverage, and you tell us if you prefer it warm or cool. Some of these cold beverages have a popular counterpart, and some of them are just better off warm! 

  1. Okay, let's start with the million dollar question: Is Dr. Pepper better hot?
  2. What about another soda, like 7-Up?
  3. What about a good old fashioned Coca-Cola?
  4. How do you like your coffee?
  5. What about your tea?
  6. Mountain Dew?
  7. Chocolate milk, or hot cocoa?
  8. Cold apple juice or warm apple cider?
  9. What about a fine wine?
  10. This is the most important question: How do you prefer your water?

Wait, are these beverages actually better hot?

Your Result...

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QazWiz 3 months ago
You missed Vernors, hot if sick, but otherwise cold and floating cream on top (a cream ale)
BradBeall 3 months ago
First off, no soda should ever be served at any temperature above 33 degrees, because soda looses it's carbonation if it's heated. You're essentially drinking warm, flat soda. Ick. About the wine question; do people still drink that stuff (wine), either cold or heated? And if so, why? I've tried several variations of wine over the years, mostly in my younger days, looking to get a "buzz" with my friends. None of it was ever any good (even the "expensive" stuff that cost more than $4:00 a bottle) and the resulting hangover was akin to having my head crushed in a vise a.k.a. Shemp Howard, while experiencing the results of chugging a bottle of oil of ipecac.
jvf 3 months ago
#9 is a foolish question. It depends on what type of wine, red or white.
tinkparker 3 months ago
I would like to meet the nut who likes hot soda
sjbang88 3 months ago
80% similar. Concerning question 9, the wine question. I would think a red wine would be served at room temp, while a white wine chilled. Neither would be warm nor mulled for that matter.
cinamac 3 months ago
I sometimes enjoy mulled wine, particularly around the holidays, but you should just use a cheap table wine. Why would one ruin a fine wine by putting mulling spices in it?!?
gockionni 3 months ago
70% similar. It’s all a matter of taste but the thought of a soda pop warmed up doesn’t appeal to me. I, like many folks, prefer cooler or iced drinks in summer, and hot drinks when the weather is cool or downright cold. Although, I did learn something interesting from fellow skiers…they said that an ice cold drink would warm me up faster than a hot one, and they were right. Sounds strange but it worked for me.
cinamac gockionni 3 months ago
A few years ago, over the Memorial Day weekend, I was in New Orleans and it was incredibly hot and humid! I was drinking hot Café Du Monde Café Au Laits and I swear it kept me cooler, even in some tiny, wooden house where Marie Laveau purported practiced her voodoo!!!
gockionni cinamac 3 months ago
So it works both ways, that’s good to know! But I don’t think I would keep my cool in a house where voodoo was likely exercised no matter what I was drinking lol. You’re very brave!!
sagafrat69 3 months ago
80% similar. I don't understand why anyone would want a carbonated beverage warm or hot. It's why God created coffee, hot tea and hot chocolate. He was hoping we wouldn't get confused. Hot beverages when it's cold and cold beverages when it's ungodly hot. Stay away from the hot Coke or Mountain Dew. Not good.
CortneyNicole 3 months ago
I like it better with Apple Juice instead of Apple Cider.
IndianaRockz 3 months ago
I LOVE the smell of coffee but cannot stand the taste! Wish I did, always have felt left out when everyone else is sipping on coffee. Nothing more comforting than walking into a house or kitchen & smelling that wonderful smell of coffee brewing, such a homey-feeling. ☕
ajr3j IndianaRockz 3 months ago
I agreed with you as a child, but now both aroma and taste are excellent. To enjoy drinking coffee was an acquired taste as I remember.
frances3agape 3 months ago
Indeed, years ago on a frigid winter's day, I heated Coca-Cola (my decadent vice/addiction) for my regular fix & to warm up.
Total WASTE of perfectly good Cola! 2 sips & down the drain it went. Tasted flat as if no carbination had ever been added
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