Daily Andy Quote Quiz: "Opie's Rival"

Hey... Who said that?!

 CBS Television Distribution

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We know you love these episodes, and now we want to see how good a listener you are!

Journey back to Mayberry with a Quote Quiz every day. We'll give you a piece of dialogue, and you tell us which character said it. Or, maybe we'll have you fill in the blank with a missing word or two.

Good luck, have fun, and share your score in the comments section below for ultimate bragging rights!

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  1. Who says... "He can't take Barney to a dance."?
  2. Who says... "Yep, what we need's a little bit of music. A little music is exactly what we need."?
  3. Who says... "I hereby declare us blood-brothers, never to be separated for ever and ever."?
  4. Who says... "Of course, it might be you and it might not, but..."
  5. Who says... "It's hard for me to tell you just how much you do mean to me, 'cause you're a part of me."?
  6. Who says... "Then why do you want Peggy around so much?"
  7. Who says... "But you've got a good friend! You've got Barney!"?
  8. Who says... "Well, you may not understand this right now, but sometime you will."?
  9. Who says... "As long as she's gonna spend so much time with us, I figure we better teach her how to handle worms without going 'ick.'"?
  10. Who says... "She's fun to be with and she's nice to have for a friend."?

Daily Andy Quote Quiz: "Opie's Rival"

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Zip 1 month ago
I had a little book(still have it somewhere, that has the quote from #5(and the rest of it).. Such a good heartfelt moment.

I do have to say though, another Peggy episode, but once again, no quotes from Peggy. Someone at MeTV quiz-makers really got a thing against her or something?
sjbang88 1 month ago
6/10 Having read what others are saying, I went back and looked at question 9. That's gotta be Opie.
ColbysTonsorialParlor 1 month ago
8/10. I don't know this episode very well. Not one of my favorites.
Guinness 1 month ago
Missed 9 & 10 picked Opie. And it was going so well.
Payneiam 1 month ago
9/10 I know opie said # 9
Zip Payneiam 1 month ago
I thought that, too. I was even going to comment that I liked how Opie said, "Ick!"
Sweendog 1 month ago
Yep - all 10 since #9 really is Opie.
Coldnorth 1 month ago
I wonder if the people at MEtv purposely make errors to see how many people are actually reading what the say. I did so bad I can’t devulge my score. 🥵
DeborahLineberry 1 month ago
Yeah I agree with the others ,Opie said that.
Sashie 1 month ago
Yay! I got 10 out of 10 because I chose Opie too on the #9 question.
edcrumpacker Sashie 1 month ago
edcrumpacker 1 month ago
Should have been 10/10. Missed #9, another mistake by the quizzmakers. Pretty sure Opie says that at the end of the program.
Love Miss Peg. Should have been Andy's regular girl instead of Miss Crump.
Love Miss Peg, Joanna Moore was a wonderful actress. 💖
Shalyn 1 month ago
Yep, as many have said #9 is indeed Opie.
paulbryars 1 month ago
4/10! Bad score for me because I remember this episode very well. Or I thought I did.
Calhoun1959 paulbryars 1 month ago
No worries more quizzes to come
Bookman1963 1 month ago
It's almost like METV wants us to find something wrong since about every quiz has a mistake. #9 was Opie.
Jacki 1 month ago
6/10. I thought Opie said #9. Oh well.🙄
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