Daily Andy Quote Quiz: ''The Manhunt''

Andy said what, now?!

 CBS Television Distribution

You spoke, we listened.

Here it is, a spiritual successor to our Daily Andy Griffith Quiz

We know you love these episodes, and now we want to see how good a listener you are! 

Journey back to Mayberry with a Quote Quiz every day. We'll give you a piece of dialogue, and you tell us which character said it. Or, maybe we'll have you fill in the blank with a missing word or two. 

Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score in the comments section below for ultimate bragging rights!

  1. Who says "I'm sorry, I already 10-4rd you"?
  2. "He's meaner than a bear that's backed into a beehive"
  3. "Uh...uh, Mayberry unit number one...uh, over and, uh, and Roger..."
  4. Andy: "Did you ever know Emma Brand's _________ to be just fine?"
  5. Barney: "Sorry about this, but us lawmen can't take _________!"
  6. What's the Taylors' boat named?
  7. Which character appears for the first time?
  8. Barney's mother makes her only appearance. What is her one line in this episode?
  9. Andy: "I'm dogged if it don't make a fella feel right bad to get _______ right in the middle of a idea!"
  10. Andy: "Well, no, not if you expecting that criminal to come through here on the _______."

Daily Andy Quote Quiz: ''The Manhunt''

Your Result...

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emb71153 5 months ago
I don’t care how many times my wife and I see these episodes, they never get old. It’s very comforting to see these episodes. There will never be anything like it, sadly.
Payneiam 5 months ago
9/10 I don’t remember Barney’s mother in this episode.
emb71153 Payneiam 5 months ago
In all the times I’ve seen this episode, and it is many, many times, I have never seen/heard Barney’s mother, either. It must have been edited out. What a shame.
ClassicTVRocks 5 months ago
8/10 I seem to be getting all 8/10 scores when it comes to the Andy Griffith Quizzes, could be worse!!!
dominicanbride1 5 months ago
Didn’t do so goo 5/10. When u think oh yea I got this one an u bum out
FestusFan2312 5 months ago
10/10. Anyone know where I can get one of those maps with the magnetic pins?
Chazitup 5 months ago
10/10 - one of my favorite episodes.
jodyh05 5 months ago
9/10. Missed number 10. I thought it was main rd
JHP jodyh05 5 months ago
the kicker is - a bus would use a main road
jodyh05 jodyh05 5 months ago
That’s right. So in a round about way I got it right.
paulbryars 5 months ago
9/10. I missed Aunt Bee’s line. Memorable episode!
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