Daily Star Trek Quiz: ''Mudd's Women''

In which looks may be deceiving!

 CBS Television Distribution

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Journey to the stars each weekday with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!

It's up to you to keep track of your score, and we work on the honor system here in the United Federation of Planets. Missed a quiz? Just click here, and you'll have the chance to catch up!

This quiz is about Season 1, Episode 5: "The Enemy Within." See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. Why do the lights go out on the bridge?
  2. What name does the other ship's captain initially give?
  3. he Enterprise sets course Rigel XII because of what industry?
  4. What is Mudd's real first name?
  5. How many women board the Enterprise with Mudd?
  6. Kirk charges Mudd with _________.
  7. What's the name of the chief in charge of operations on Rigel XII?
  8. Which woman runs away into a magnetic dust storm?
  9. "I read once that a commander has to act like a ________ of virtue. I never met a ________."
  10. The women's beauty is enhanced by...

Daily Star Trek Quiz: ''Mudd's Women''

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Bapa1 2 hours ago
7/10, never liked this episode, or Mudd.
wolfman69 4 hours ago
8/10. Good episode. Mudd is an entertaining character, and his ladies aren't too shabby either.
frenchman71 6 hours ago
7/10. Haven't seen this episode in a while. I like the other Harry Mudd episode better, "I, Mudd".
JimmyAngel 7 hours ago
Started off well but 5/10. Yikes !
cperrynaples 7 hours ago
A few questions about Roger C. Carmel, who played the title character: [1] What Raquel Welch movie did he appear in? [2] What '60's sitcom featured him? Hint: I mention this show just a few weeks ago! [3] What MeTV actor replaced him on that show when he wanted more money?
The sitcom was "Mothers-in-Law" on Sunday nites on NBC. It was a pretty good show.
TheFanFromUNCLE 9 hours ago
9/10. Harry had a litany of charges against him.
And yet somehow he got a sequel! "This is me cargo"...I don't think white slavery would be acceptable in the future...LOL!
Stoney 17 hours ago
8 for 10. These episode quizzes are quite a challenge!
KJExpress 17 hours ago
9/10. Not one of my favorite episodes. 🥱
Peter_Falk_Fan 18 hours ago
10/10 I didn't know #9. But, since 'a' preceded the blank instead of 'an,' I eliminated the two clues that started with a vowel. 
A great idea. But just remember we're talking about a series that boldly split infinitives in its opening credits for three straight years.
Are we talking the phrase where "no man" became "no one" on TNG, which runs nightly on H&I?
Yep. That's the one. And they finally fixed it (sort of) in "Broken Bow", the pilot for "Enterprise", when Zefram Cochrane says "This engine will let us go boldly, where no man has gone before." So, it seems Kirk was misquoting an icon of star travel all along!
Muleskinner 19 hours ago
3/10. My name was Mudd on that quiz.
sjbang88 19 hours ago
4/10 I must have been thinking about the other women
teire 21 hours ago
6/10. Didn’t realize (or long forgot) this episode was so early in the series.
Snickers 21 hours ago
8/10 Have not seen this one in a while.
KJExpress Snickers 17 hours ago
You hadn't really missed much. Unless you go gaga over the women like all the male crew members. 🙄
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