Can you name these board games from the '70s?

Take a Risk, you won't be Sorry!


It's a Friday night in 1978. You've got a big pizza, and all your family and friends gathered around for some tabletop entertainment. You crack open a couple of cans of soda, turn on your favorite record, and let the games begin.

We've blurred out the names of these board games, and we want to see if you can figure them out!

Good luck, and be sure to share your score (and your favorite game) in the comments section below!

  1. What's this nautical game called?
  2. This game is named after a mood, but which one?
  3. This is The Art Auction Game. What's it called?
  4. What's this game called?
  5. Take your shot. What's this one?
  6. A thrilling game, but what is its title?
  7. Do you remember this gross-out game?
  8. Milton-Bradley presents this strategy action game...
  9. Do you remember this one?
  10. What's this gambling-adjacent game called?

Can you name these board games from the '70s?

Your Result...

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GTStang08 4 minutes ago
Meh!...4/10 I don't remember hardly ANY of these boardgames, however, "Think-Thunk" somehow stands out. Now, that's really going deep into the memory bank vaults of my mind. I believe I remember seeing it advertised during the Saturday morning cartoon line-up of cartoons during commercial break. Ah, the good ole dayz!
Rick 1 hour ago
I had "Happiness." The object was to get rid of all your hangups.
FestusFan2312 2 hours ago
6/10. I only remember Vegas. I had it actually.
ironman2000 4 hours ago
4 of 10, never heard of any of these games.
Bapa1 4 hours ago
5/10, that Bermuda Triangle game looks interesting. I don't think I have heard of any of these. with my Grandkids I play Chutes and Ladders, Candyland, Operation, Jr. Monopoly and Scrabble. We also play one where a dog poops.
harpo4evr 8 hours ago
Didn’t remember 5/10. Masterpiece was one of my fav’s though.
cperrynaples 9 hours ago
A few comments: I believe all the answers in 2 are characters in Disney's Inside Out...LOL! I'm pretty sure no one would buy 4 if it were called Math Class! Maybe I would have because THAT was my best subject in school..LOL again! And 7 clearly was a spinoff of Creepy Crawlers, a molding toy from the '60's!
PS The reason that most of the games mentioned below weren't in the quiz is because they were either BEFORE or AFTER! Would you believe Monopoly goes back to the '30's?
JohninND 9 hours ago
Hey met, nobody's hardly ever seen these games
JohninND 9 hours ago
4/10. I was a kid in the 70's and don't think I ever saw one of these. Of course we were busy riding bikes,climbing trees and imitating the latest moves we saw on wrestling.
FLETCH 17 hours ago
3 out of 10. Wow, I did not recognize any of these games
bmoore4026 17 hours ago
6 out of 10. These were all guesses because these were before my time
Lillyrose 18 hours ago
4 out of 10. I don't remember any of those board games. I played board games like Clue, Life, Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, and Boggle. I also liked card games: Cribbage, Hearts, Freecell, Solitaire, Crazy Eights.
Zip 19 hours ago
I don't remember any of those games.
I guess I was too busy running through the woods in our back yard to play board games in the 70's.
Peter_Falk_Fan 19 hours ago
8/10 I got frustrated on #2 and psyched out on #9.
I recognized half of them, probably from ads (esp. the slime game). But, I never played any of these.
KJExpress 19 hours ago
4/10. The weren't the board games I was playing in the 70's. I never heard of most of these.
JohninND KJExpress 9 hours ago
Same here.
AnnieM 19 hours ago
7/10 - I remembered Masterpiece and Think Thunk, but not the others.
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