Can you identify the location being talked about in CB radio slang?

We've got a long way to go and a short quiz to get there.

 The Everett Collection

Back in the Seventies, CB radio was the original instant messager. Long before we were all making internet chatroom usernames, people had handles. Even legendary voice actor Mel Blanc got in on the fun, chatting as Bugs Bunny.

Naturally, CB radio spawned its own universe of slang. How else will you know if there's a Kojak with a Kodak down the road? 

Can you guess which locations these CB slang terms are referring to?

  1. Crashville
  2. Ghost Town
  3. The Bubbly
  4. Steam Town
  5. Flower City
  6. UFO Central
  7. Flagtown
  8. Mickey Mouse
  9. Beer Town
  10. Rock City

Can you identify the location being talked about in CB radio slang?

Your Result...

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edcrumpacker 1 month ago
EGADS!!! 5/10, all guesses.
That's a negatory good buddy. Time to hit the road again!
mickeyd53 6 months ago
Yes indeed, I do remember CB’s. When in high school, all my friends and I had a CB in our cars. We would all go out driving around on Friday and Saturday nights trying to decide where to go. We’d each finally all meet up and hang out at a hamburger place like a Sonic today..only better…! We also were always working on and trying to get more power out of the CB’s…I think back now and just smile.
TammyMeador 6 months ago
10-4 good buddy! You got 7 out of 10
That's a negatory. Time to hit the road again!😊
jd4862 6 months ago
4/10 Had a base station and never traveled with a CB. A group of us would get on in the evening and just BS for an hour or two.
Charlotte 6 months ago
8/10 Talk about distracted driving.
KentuckyPhil69 6 months ago
Breaker breaker!! This is Sheriff Buford T. Justice and I just got 10/10!!! And you are the goldangest pursuee I've ever pursued!!!
geisler2 6 months ago
10/10...That's big a 10-4 Rubber Ducky!
DoctorSavage 6 months ago
6/10 back in CB days we used locally didn't know all the nick names
MeFanFromSavan 6 months ago
I bombed that quiz..... F+
Kramden62 MeFanFromSavan 6 months ago
Don't feel too bad. I only got 6/10.

I never cared for CB radio. I couldn't stand it when my Dad would take us on arbitrary trips just so he could use that stupid thing.
NancyEddy 6 months ago
Spent a lot of time on the CB back in the day - never heard any of these. Guessed what I could.
Cliffystones NancyEddy 6 months ago
I thought this would be a quiz on the "10 codes" not on towns. I was a teenager in those days, not a long-haul truck driver.
djw1120 6 months ago
I'd leave a real comment if MeTV had told me what my score was.
What happened MeTV?
ERROL 6 months ago
10-4 good buddy! You got 7 out of 10
That's a negatory. Time to hit the road again!
been a cber alooong time, .. . . . . never heard of such.
all guesses.
KawiVulc 6 months ago
8/10. "What's she wearin now?" -- The Snowman
KentuckyPhil69 KawiVulc 6 months ago
What y'all doing now? A little hein and shein???
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