Poll: Who are your favorite comedians through the decades?

Do you have a favorite stand-up comedian? Take a trip through the decades and find out how popular your stand-up comedy opinions are!

 The Everett Collection

Stand-up comedy started to really develop in the 1950s and 1960s. The rise of these comedy legends came in the form of traditional stand-up, sketch comedy and through popular TV shows. These original comedy legends inspired generations of young stand-up comedians to come. With over seven decades of stand-up comedians, we want to know which comedian is your favorite from each decade. 

Time to see how your comedy opinions compare to others! 

  1. If you had to pick one, which stand-up comedian would you choose as your favorite from the 1950s?
  2. Which of these 1960s stand-up comedy legends are you choosing as your favorite?
  3. We are moving through time to the 1970s. Who is your favorite stand-up comedian?
  4. We are now in the 1980s. The lights dim down at a theater, which comedian are you hoping walks out?
  5. If you had to pick just one, who are you choosing as your favorite stand-up comedian from the 1990s?
  6. Finally, our search for the best stand-up comedian comes to end in the 2000s. Which one are you picking?
  7. Which show would you pick to watch in 1960 to see some of your favorite comedians?
  8. It's the 1970s and you want to find a show to watch. Which show would you pick if you were feeling like laughing along with your favorite comedian?
  9. Which show from the 1980s would you put on if you wanted to see a comedian you really enjoyed?
  10. Finally, it's the 1990s. Which show are you turning on after a long day to sit and laugh at?
  11. Which comedic duo do you believe is the best between all decades?
  12. In which decade do you believe had the best comedians?

Poll: Who are your favorite comedians through the decades?

Your Result...

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BradBeall 6 months ago
About question #9 - "Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In" was from the 1960's I believe the last show was made in 1969 or possibly 1970. And yet, 33% of people seem to remember watching it in the 1980's... can I borrow a time machine from one of you guys?
MC1707 6 months ago
Most here were Not Stand up Comedians, and some of the other questions were and age related opinion..
mpatrick 6 months ago
At least half of the top vote getters in most of those questions were NOT stand-up comedians.
rvoyttbots 6 months ago
Rowan & Martin were the late 60s/early 70s not 80s
DK 6 months ago
Comedy actors and comedians are not the same thing. Gene Wilder hated being called a comedian. Comedians do stand up.
obectionoverruled 7 months ago
i didn’t watch a lot of shows but jack benny’s radio and tv shows were the funniest to me. one of the most underrated talents of all time to me was his sidekick bandleader, phil harris.
Irish 7 months ago
Hmmm ..85%
What about Rodney Dangerfield and Flip Wilson? I loved both of those guys.
gbell 7 months ago
Laugh-in was 67 to 73, not an 80s show. Not that it matters here.
gracefulgiraffe 9 months ago
They didn't mention roseanne barr. I guess they were too busy being PC
DK 9 months ago
A comedian and a comedy actor are not the same thing. Some are both. Gene Wilder hated being called a comedian. He never did stand up and called himself a comedy actor.
gockionni DK 9 months ago
I could be mistaken but another of those listed was a comedy actor as well…Patton Oswalt. I mean, I don’t recall him doing stand-up unless I just didn’t notice.
malibustacy gockionni 9 months ago
He's done more stand-up than acting.
mpatrick gockionni 6 months ago
Yes, you just didn't notice. Oswalt has been an excellent stand-up comic for many years.
Hollie 12 months ago
first of all Carol was NOT on in the 60s
lucy was on during the 50s and 60s
Maybe they will take notice of some of the quizzes and see what people are watching notice how that full house got a lot of votes but yet its on for hours on sunday am they ask what are fav are and then put something totaly different on lol like Barney miller how many are watching that 3
Snickers Hollie 11 months ago
Barney Miller airs on FeTV which I'm guessing is the sister channel to MeTV.
WGH 14 months ago
Abbott and Costello?
They were hacks who stole the Three Stooges act. That's the reason why Moe Howard hated them so much.
MC1707 WGH 6 months ago
That question along with some others to me were a generation or age group thing.
BradBeall WGH 6 months ago
Can't argue with that. I can't see how anyone thought Abbot & Costello were funny. To me, their act was that of a loud-mouthed bully picking on a fat, retarded guy. Kinda sad, really, that the fat guy didn't even have enough sense to keep away from the bully who would always set him up to fail.
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