Daily Star Trek Quiz: ''The Galileo Seven''

In which Spock gets a little emotional!

 CBS Television Distribution

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Journey to the stars each weekday with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!

It's up to you to keep track of your score, and we work on the honor system here in the United Federation of Planets. Missed a quiz? Just click here, and you'll have the chance to catch up!

This quiz is about Season 1, Episode 16: "The Galileo Seven". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. Which of these crewmembers is NOT aboard the Galileo?
  2. Kirk diverts the Enterprise from what kind of mission to investigate the quasar?
  3. What's the name of the High Commissioner that disagrees with Kirk's plan?
  4. Latimer suffers a mortal wound from a...
  5. Who scolds Spock, "There's a man lying there dead, and you talk about stone spears. What about Latimer?"
  6. Why are there concerns that the Galileo can't re-enter orbit?
  7. Spock identifies a grinding sound as wood rubbing on...
  8. What's the name of the craft that goes to search for the Galileo?
  9. Despite their lack of fuel, the crew of the Galileo plans to enter orbit by draining...
  10. In a last ditch effort for rescue, Spock...

Daily Star Trek Quiz: ''The Galileo Seven''

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frenchman71 19 minutes ago
8/10. Spock was more worried about protecting the creatures than protecting his own crew.
McGillahooala 12 hours ago
1/10. Got number 4 right. It’s been a while since I did this badly.
deltadart 13 hours ago
10/10 Boma had it right- You hit them hard!
You don't send signals to primitives Mr. Spock; you got two of your men killed that way, not very smart or logical for that matter.
I got to remember it's just a tv show but Roddenberry was inclined to send political messages too often.
Best line- Boma: Well, I'm sick of this Machine" referring to Spock.
John Crawford was the Time Merchant in a great Lost in Space episode.
KJExpress 15 hours ago
9/10. I like this episode but those creatures make me roll my eyes. I guess they had to work within their limited budget.
CaptainDunsel 15 hours ago
Step by step I have made the the correct and logical decisions...
KJExpress CaptainDunsel 15 hours ago
You did well, Mr. Spock. 👍
frenchman71 CaptainDunsel 14 minutes ago
And yet certain members of the crew want you dead, especially Boma.
TheJackOfCups 15 hours ago
I believe this is the first episode of Star Trek that I ever saw.

Not 100% sure, it was a long time ago
leeroyprice TheJackOfCups 13 hours ago
Me to. I thought for sure I'd see one of the monsters eat one of the crew.
MichaelPowers 16 hours ago
9/10. John Crawford who played High Commissioner Ferris (The Waltons) had a difficult relationship with William Shatner during filming, so he did not have happy memories about guest starring on the series. Don Marshall (Lt. Boma) had a difficult time with the episode's director. According to Don, the director, who was a huge fan of James Dean, wanted Don to play Boma as very moody, surly, and even more disrespectful. Don realized that this would not be realistic as he was supposed to be a Starfleet officer. He confided his problem to Leonard Nimoy. Nimoy took care of it and Don was forever grateful to Leonard. Don would go on to play Dan Erikson in the Irwin Allen science fiction TV series Land of the Giants.
KJExpress MichaelPowers 15 hours ago
Good for Don. Glad he didn't give in to what he felt would be wrong for his character.
Zip 17 hours ago
Spock must hate me. I've gotten so many "highly illogical" responses from him on my scores lately.
teire 17 hours ago
3/10. Do not remember much about this one at all.
Snickers 17 hours ago
10/10. Always wondered how draining a phaser could be used as fuel.
sjbang88 Snickers 16 hours ago
It's a Star Trek thing, I guess
Snickers sjbang88 16 hours ago
Yea, I guess in the Star Trek universe anything is possible.
KJExpress Snickers 15 hours ago
That's how sci-fi gets away with so many things. 😉
2ndplacer Snickers 8 hours ago
In the episode, "A Piece of the Action" Dr. Mckoy left his communicator which has a common component. They use the transtator as a common component...could be the answer or this is all nerdy.
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