Daily Star Trek Quiz: ''The Immunity Syndrome''

In which the Enterprise enters the belly of the beast!

 CBS Television Distribution

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Journey to the stars each weekday with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!

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This quiz is about Season 2, Episode 19: "The Immunity Syndrome." See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. What's the name of the all-Vulcan ship?
  2. After encountering the dark zone, half the Enterprise crew members...
  3. Spock surmises that the dark zone is...
  4. To escape the zone, Kirk orders one giant...
  5. The crew realizes that the zone encases a single-celled organism. How long is it?
  6. Who volunteers to pilot a shuttlecraft into the organism?
  7. Spock attempts to signal back to the Enterprise that the cell is about to...
  8. Who asks... "Vulcan dignity? How can I grant you what I don't understand?"
  9. Kirk makes the first and only mention of McCoy's rank. Do you recall what it is?
  10. The crew uses _______ to destroy the organism.

Daily Star Trek Quiz: ''The Immunity Syndrome''

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MichaelPowers 7 days ago
9/10. The name of the Vulcan Captain of the Intrepid in the script was Satak, although it wasn't used on the aired episode.
Last time Captain Kirk wears his green wrap-around tunic.
Sole episode for this season we see Dr. McCoy wear his short-sleeved medical tunic.
Only episode of the series Dr. McCoy's Star Fleet Rank of "Lieutenant Commander" is mentioned.
Last time we see the interior of the shuttlecraft. The interior was redesigned from its previous appearances. Inside it you see the computer banks previously seen in "The Menagerie, Part 1," in the star base computer center, and in "A Taste of Armageddon," in the Eminian war room.
The giant space amoeba was created by the Frank Van der Veer FX Company. They took a mixture of liquids and pressed them between 2 thin sheets of glass. As the sheets were moved, the liquids would flow creating a living pulsating effect.
Mr. Spock states that Vulcan was never conquered in this episode. In "The Conscience of the King" from season one, Dr. McCoy makes the comment to Spock about his people (Vulcans) being conquered.
MikefromJersey 3 months ago
8/10 Good episode one of the ten best, IMHO.
McCoy's constant attacks on Spock, why? At times they are vicious, telling him he will never know
love, or that he has little regard for the crew's lives, it never ends.

Question #4 - "...Kirk orders one giant forward thrust"

That Jim Kirk, his mind is always on one thing, no wonder Bones adds saltpetre to Kirk's

Bapa1 3 months ago
8/10 good episode. Spock: "You would have not survived, Doctor."
MichaelPowers Bapa1 7 days ago
"Want to make a bet?"
frenchman71 3 months ago
8/10. Shoulda aced this one. a great episode. The battle of logic and emotion between McCoy and spock was classic.
Stoney 3 months ago
9 for 10...and the only time I've ever seen it is when MeTV showed it a few months back
deltadart 3 months ago
10/10 "Shut up Spock we're rescuing you!"

Four Constitution Class Starships Destroyed-Intrepid, Constellation, Excaliber and the Exeter. Maybe the Exeter could have been scrubbed of the virus that killed its crew (omega Glory episode) I'm losing my mind!
Mempatfan deltadart 3 months ago
Why thank you....CAPTAIN McCoy !
Bapa1 deltadart 3 months ago
Wasn't the Intrepid an All-Vulcan Science ship?
Mempatfan Bapa1 3 months ago
Yes, it was. I guess that was to add a little credence to the fact the Vulcans never would have figured out that everything about the organism worked against conventional logic.
deltadart Bapa1 3 months ago
Yes, but it was a constitution class Starship one of 12 according to Kirk.
leeroyprice 3 months ago
10/10! This episode was kind of ho-hum for me. I was a real dud in biology class. Bombed out big time. I know "shut up Lee Roy".
Mempatfan leeroyprice 3 months ago
Ironically, it was one of my top 10 favorites. Perhaps even top 5.
Jacki leeroyprice 3 months ago
Great score! I'll never get a 10/10 on a Star Trek quiz. 😊
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