Daily Star Trek Quiz: "This Side of Paradise"

In which paradise is found and lost!

 CBS Television Distribution

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Journey to the stars each weekday with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!

It's up to you to keep track of your score, and we work on the honor system here in the United Federation of Planets. Missed a quiz? Just click here, and you'll have the chance to catch up!

This quiz is about Season 1, Episode 24: "This Side of Paradise". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. What is the name of the colonist who first speaks to Kirk and the landing party?
  2. Omicron Ceti III is being bombarded with deadly...
  3. McCoy: "On pure speculation, just an educated guess – I'd say that man is ______."
  4. Spock gets blasted with _____, which causes his emotional barriers to break down.
  5. Spock: "Emotions are alien to me. I'm a ________."
  6. What's the name of the botanist that is in love with Spock?
  7. What does Kirk learn counteracts the euphoria-like effects?
  8. Kirk and Spock work together to create a...
  9. Spock ends his romance with a monologue about...
  10. McCoy spends a lot of time pursuing what kind of drink?

Daily Star Trek Quiz: "This Side of Paradise"

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Zip 6 hours ago
Remembered more about this episode than I thought I would from the title, despite what my score implies.
JimmyAngel 13 hours ago
7/10 but I did remember Jill Ireland played Leila
Rick 20 hours ago

(Psst - mint *julEp*, not *juliP*).
Mempatfan 24 hours ago
Stumbled badly here. 7/10, 223/240 overall.
FLETCH 1 day ago
7 out of 10 This episode has some funny moments and strong acting by Nimoy
Jacki 1 day ago
4/10 yikes! And I actually saw this episode not too long ago. Love to watch the original Star Trek episodes on reruns, especially Captain Kirk 😉😊
MichaelPowers 1 day ago
9/10. Missed #5.
Trivia: Original titles: "Sandoval's Planet," "Power Play," & "The Way of the Spores."
Considered an anti-drug storyline.
Sulu was originally intended to be the focus of this episode as it would be him falling in love.
Outdoors location filming took place for 2 days at Walt Disney Productions Golden Oak Ranch. Jill Ireland became ill, so scenes aboard the Enterprise were then filmed. When Jill recovered, Golden Oak Ranch had another production filming on it, so the Trek production finished up their location shoot in Bronson Canyon.
Sadly, Frank Overton (Elias Sandoval) would pass away at 48 years old just weeks after this episode first aired.
leeroyprice 1 day ago
This episode shows how good an actor Leonard Nimoy was.
FLETCH leeroyprice 1 day ago
Agreed. This episode definitely gave Leonard Nimoy a chance to show his range and he nailed it.
DocForbin 1 day ago
Fun fact: Leila was played by Jill Ireland, Charles Bronson's future wife.
The Bronsons were memorable in an interview on the Dick Cavett Show. Dick didn't
understand Charles at all or the world he came from. He asked him what he would do
if he lost all his money/stardom.
Bronson - "I'd pick up a shovel and go back in the coal mines. No big deal, my family would eat."
He meant it, that whole 'ya do what ya gotta do' deal.
Cavett could not process that, he was confused like a dog whose food bowl had been moved some place else. A bemused Bronson then had Dick figured and toyed with him.
Cavett was a nice guy with a high IQ but if he had to work in a mine, or just went to drink in
the bar where the guys in "The Deer Hunter" hung out, he'd have been eaten alive.
Sway DocForbin 1 day ago
She was married to David MacCallum prior to Bronson.
The bar in Deer Hunter is a scary place.
MikefromJersey FLETCH 17 hours ago
I guess that depends on your perspective. Everybody in there looked/acted like my cousins
in PA. When the boys in The Deer Hunter are by a car and Axel drunkenly announces his
amorous feelings and intent regarding the car, I laughed out loud as that was the sort
of thing my buddy Boo Boo, a lineman on the Seton Hall football team, would do.
Me and my old crew would gladly hoist some beers in the Deer Hunter bar.
By the same token we also hit the fabled American Bar in the Savoy, London, and
the Oak Bar that you see Cary Grant go into at the start of North By Northwest.
Eclectic bunch when it came to hitting the town.
CaptainDunsel 1 day ago
I was inaccurate on #5.
"Oh no? Would you like to see just how fast I can put you in a hospital?"
Snickers 1 day ago
8/10. One of the few times Kirk doesn't get the girl.
teire 1 day ago
2/10. I remember it, just not very well.
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