Design the vintage home of your dreams, and we'll tell you which classic comedy sitcom house you're destined to live in

This may be your only opportunity to build your ideal house.


We're giving you ONE opportunity to build your dream home out of these vintage magazine ads from the 1960s and 1970s. Once you've put together a house that you feel best represents you, we'll tell you which classic television house you're moving into!

  1. First, choose a bedroom.
  2. Now choose a bed for that bedroom.
  3. Now, choose some curtains for your windows.
  4. Choose a room to eat breakfast in.
  5. Pick a lamp to light up your living room.
  6. Now choose a living room for your house.
  7. You'll need a place to store all your funky valuables. Pick a storage area.
  8. You've got to pick one of these wooden kitchens.
  9. Choose your bathroom.
  10. This is very important: Please choose a fuzzy toilet for your bathroom.
  11. Choose some art to hang up on your walls.
  12. Now, choose a television to watch your favorite shows on.

Design the vintage home of your dreams, and we'll tell you which classic comedy sitcom house you're destined to live in

Your Result...

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SashaPayneDiaz 9 months ago
I'd be bunkin' w/ The Bunkers.......but every single choice in this quiz is UGLY! I'd be movin' out ASAP.
MrHaney 11 months ago
I'm always ending up with the Bunkers, and I only like Edith! I'd rather live in the Taylor house or the Cleaver's.
ThomasPotter 11 months ago
the wooden kitchens were actually dining rooms...but I digress.
AnnieM 13 months ago
I got the Petrie house - I'm good with that! Although if I could choose for myself, I always liked the layout of the Stephens house on 'Bewitched' - a lot of room in that house!
geatornez82 13 months ago
The Bunker house. Ugh. I don't like "All in the Family" (not my cup of tea)
VernCaldwell 13 months ago
The only time I ever sat on a toilet seat that was covered, it felt like something crawling around on my hind end. But other than that I got the Taylor house. Aunt Bee reminds me of my aunt. From her hair style, dress and robust body. I loved my aunt.
Sally 13 months ago
I'm living in the Taylor house. I could handle having Aunt Bee cooking for me!
TheKodakKid 13 months ago
On most of those, my first (sometimes also 2nd & 3rd) thought was, neither. A couple of them (wooden kitchen tables, TVs), there wasn’t that much difference.

If I suddenly found myself owning homes that looked like these, I’d be like, “Ok, time to redecorate.”
Runeshaper 13 months ago
You're living in The Taylor House 🏡

A warm bed at night and Aunt Bee's cooking three times a day. You've got it made! 😊
TammyMeador 13 months ago
You're living in The Petrie House
You'll have to help Laura around the house and put up with Rob's wild antics, but you're sure to have a good time!
CatBeau 13 months ago
Here’s my result:

“You're living in The Taylor House

A warm bed at night and Aunt Bee's cooking three times a day. You've got it made!”

I could live with that. 😊👍🏻
Randall 13 months ago
The Lighting devices on # 5 are best left in the past!
KellyO 13 months ago
I get the Petrie house! I can do the Twizzle with Rob and Laura.
cinamac 13 months ago
The green containers, in the storage choice, look like a bathroom set of clothes hamper, waste basket, toilet brush holder and scale, whereas the brown cabinets look like regular units for display!
Wendy57 cinamac 13 months ago
I agree.
Although, if you could convert that matching set of bathroom items into storage places for valuables, it’d fool a lot of would be thieves.
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