Did these activities make an appearance at the Olympics?

Did they play tug of war at the Olympics?

 Everett Collection

Participating in the Olympics is a dream come true, but the historical competition has some very silly history. In this quiz, we'll give you an activity, and you have to tell us whether it made an appearance during the history of the Olympics! Keep in mind that we've included discontinued official sports, as well as activities that were held as part of the demonstrations, to give every sport the love that it deserves!

  1. Ballooning
  2. Dog walking
  3. Yodeling
  4. Pigeon Racing
  5. Firefighting
  6. Circus Performance
  7. Roller Hockey
  8. Hide and Seek
  9. Speed Typing
  10. Tug of War

Did these activities make an appearance at the Olympics?

Your Result...

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Snickers 6 months ago
Firefighting was a activity in the Olympics?
Spaceseed 7 months ago
No Break Dancing?
Snickers Spaceseed 6 months ago
They had that at the Paris Olympics and called it Breaking. How this became a Olympic event is insulting.
CortneyNicole 7 months ago
6/10 Nice try MeTV, I took all my guesses with these odd Olympic activities. I know tug of war is one of them but didn't know the others.
Crisco 7 months ago
You got 8 out of 10
You've won this round!
Jeremy 7 months ago
I missed only one! All educated guesses!
ClassicTVRocks 7 months ago
6/10 Didn't do so hot 🥵 on this quiz.
ironman2000 7 months ago
9 of 10, took a lot of wild guesses.
cperrynaples 7 months ago
And for those who ask, NO MeTV Toons will NOT run Disney cartoons! The mouse house won't allow it!
WGH 7 months ago
The fact that I got most of these wrong is exactly why I don't watch the olympics. Bunch of weirdos running the thing!
MrsPhilHarris 7 months ago
7/10 Missed 1, 5 and 7.
tnminnow MrsPhilHarris 7 months ago
I missed the same ones
MrsPhilHarris tnminnow 7 months ago
They were the trickiest questions. 😉
justjeff 7 months ago
7/10... Just goes to show how foolish some of these events have become and this is why I never follow them... However, Simone Biles is **amazing**...
jodyh05 7 months ago
7/10. I drove by my neighbors house the other day and their boys had 5 gallon buckets turned upside down, standing on top of them, playing tug o war. lol. Now that’s an Olympic event.
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