Vote for the best action movie of the '80s!

Stallone, Schwarzenegger or Willis?



Explosions! High-octane thrills! Shoot-outs that seemingly never end! Motorcycles, cars, and maybe even a helicopter or two.

These are the makings of all the best '80s action movies.

We want to know your favorites. We'll list a ton, but we won't get to every single one. If your prized pick isn't there, please choose "Other" and let us know what it is in the comments section below!

  1. Which '80s action flick gets your pick?

Vote for the best action movie of the '80s!

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KellyO 6 months ago
I picked the one I have rewatched most often: Indiana Jones. The Terminator was a close second.
ClassicTVRocks 6 months ago
0 Percent Similar I chose Road House, it's hard when You can only choose one. Anyway, that's My story and I'm sticking to it!!!
jimmyvici 6 months ago
Streets of Fire is vastly underrated. Majority of these flicks are awesome. Too hard to choose just one
trogg888 6 months ago
There were I liked especially the alien movies but I had to go with indie.i just re watched the last one yesterday. It was not as good as I remembered except for the first thirty minutes,but still better than crystal skull
bdettlingmetv 7 months ago
I appreciate that "Streets of Fire" was included on the list, even if it appears that I'm the only one voting for it. Anything starring Rick Moranis, Michael Paré, Diane Lane, Robert Townsend, and Willem Dafoe will always be a favorite.
trogg888 bdettlingmetv 6 months ago
I liked that one
MikefromJersey 7 months ago
MeTV Guys,
I see that many of the posts are AGAIN being put up twice. Can't you guys find some 13 year
old nerd kid to come in and fix it for you? This has been going on for at least 3 years,
surely one of the bosses has noticed it by now?
Oh, and will you please allow me to once more use the CONTACT option above to send a
message to you, without getting a response that my e-mail address is unrecognized
by you? This is petty stuff on your part.
Any remarks I have sent in the past were polite and were meant to be helpful, or were a
suggestion. Don't be so thin skinned, on the contrary look at the people here as a resource
that might help make this a better operation.
Like pairing the TAGS pilot from Make Room For Daddy with the Mayberry reunion movie
Which you guys did this year, AFTER we suggested it.
A nice attaboy to we posters would have been the right thing to do.
And might give us reason to suggest more helpful ideas.
IndianaRockz 7 months ago

So good, takes me back & gives me that great feeling inside while watching it, like when everything was better in the world.
AllisonWunderland 7 months ago
Top Gun 😍
I dont see the top gun thing.i thought both of them were junk
I’m sorry you feel that way about such phenomenal movies 🤩
KellyO AllisonWunderland 6 months ago
All have opinions. I didn’t like them either. I also can’t stand Tom Cruise.
AllisonWunderland KellyO 6 months ago
What a shame….
trogg888 7 months ago
If you put alien or aliens in a quiz I'm gonna put them number one but there were too many good ones in that list and I've seen them all
Spaceseed 7 months ago
Tough one. Lots of movies that rate a 10.
bmoore4026 7 months ago
0% similar. My first. I don't care what any of the rest of you think but Streets of Fire is awesome with an amazing soundtrack.
Bapa1 bmoore4026 7 months ago
Great movie. Have it on DVD. Had the soundtrack on vinyl, put it on cassette, and still have the CD.
texasluva 7 months ago
Tough choices.
Lethal Weapon-Non stop action and outrageously funny (do you really want to jump 😳).

Die Hard John McClane NY police cop visits his wife in L.A. all hell breaks loose with Hans and his terrorist henchmen talking over the Nakatomi Plaza with great and obscene quotes with some of the lighter ones “Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs...” How bout some Christmas music Argyle "This IS Christmas music thump thump thump thump" To Hans from John Yippy--xxxxx xxxxxx you can guess the rest.

Raiders Of The Last Ark- The flick that has it all-adventure-Thriller and visions of granger.

Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior--Don't mess with him. He's faster then a rattlesnake.

Conan the Barbarian--Ever listen to the opening credits sounds. One of the best.

Big Trouble In Little China--There's trouble In Little China and he's not Snake Plissken but Jack Burton the trucker (Kurt Russell) and he finds trouble and deals with it.

Since I have all of these the question is which one would I grab first. And the Winner is.. drum roll ..... Die Hard! Now! “When they touch down, we'll blow the roof, they'll spend a month sifting through rubble, and by the time they figure out what went wrong, we'll be sitting on a beach, earning twenty percent.” "Does it sound like I'm ordering a pizza!!" It just slightly better then the others which are awesome too....😉
trogg888 texasluva 6 months ago
I read all the Robert e Howard books and read all the comics and loved them but they could have done a better job on the movies,except the first one was decent
texasluva trogg888 6 months ago
Movies are always shorted then books. Once you read one or comic the movie will be quite different usually. They are made to make money and appease the masses.
MikefromJersey texasluva 6 months ago
The only movie I know that is far better than the book it is based on was the classic
"To Have and To Have Not" starring Bogart. Which is amazing since Hemingway wrote the book,
based on short stories, but it was one of his far lesser efforts.
texasluva MikefromJersey 6 months ago
For you my friend the movie. To Have and Have Not.

To Have and Have Not (1944) Film-Noir-- Adventure--Comedy--Romance--Thriller--War

Howard Hawks
Humphrey Bogart---Lauren Bacall---Walter Brennan-
Dolores Moran---Hoagy Carmichael-
During World War II, American expatriate Harry Morgan helps transport a French Resistance leader and his beautiful wife to Martinique while romancing a sensuous lounge singer.

Below is the link to movie. It should play once you place into browser. Do not put a period on the end of the link. One of his best films other then Key Largo and Casablanca.

Bapa1 7 months ago
So where is 'The Last Dragon'? 'Sho Nuff!!!' And where is the greatest movie ever made, the legendary 'Gymkata'?
bmoore4026 Bapa1 7 months ago
I was about ready to say "Where's Gymkata"!
Bapa1 bmoore4026 7 months ago
Family guy once did a spoof on 'Gymkata'.
Wendy57 7 months ago
The first time that I ever got 100% on this type of quiz.

Raiders of the Lost Ark
frenchman71 7 months ago
My 3 favorites were "Robocop, Die Hard & Red Dawn". I picked "Robocop". While I liked "Die Hard" I think it was impossible for John McLane to do that much fighting and walking over tons of broken glass in his bare feet.
Bapa1 frenchman71 7 months ago
I walk barefoot on my driveway and I'm hurting.
texasluva frenchman71 7 months ago
Fictional movies you can do it ALL. I'm still looking for the AI Robocop outfit but Walmart doesn't carry that one. Oh wait. I want the one that Iron Man has plus it flies too. Any one have Robert Downey Jr. Cell #. Got to remember that Hans has John's wife and he can walk over broken glass after knocking off some of the other terrorists 🙄.
trogg888 frenchman71 6 months ago
It is a movie after all and there are a lot of stunts that indie did that would have knocked you out cold
watchtv63 7 months ago
What you have to take in mind the overall impact such as crossing Genre and ethnicity of these great films, and that's what all these movies are.,...
Nothing from nothing?.... Beverly Hills Cop is the top "plateau"!!
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