Do you know these Bugs Bunny firsts?

Do you actually know what is, in fact, up, doc?

 LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements are ™ of & © WBEI

Do you actually know what is, in fact, up, doc?

Will you nail the answers, or are you gonna take a wrong turn in Alberquerque?

Take the quiz, see the wascally wesults, and find out how well you know your history of the hare.

Watch Bugs Bunny and Friends on MeTV!

One Full Hour

Saturdays at 9 AM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Lots of early shorts feature a primitive, prototype Bugs. But in which cartoon does he first utter the phrase "What's up, doc?"
     LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements are ™ of & © WBEI
  2. Yosemite Sam is arguably Bugs' enemy with the shortest fuse. In what Bugs Bunny cartoon did he debut?
     LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements are ™ of & © WBEI
  3. ''Gossamer'' is an ironic name for a monster. But what Bugs Bunny short had Gossamer make his first appearance?
     LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements are ™ of & © WBEI
  4. What Bugs Bunny short marked the first appearance of green-skinned villainess Witch Hazel?
     LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements are ™ of & © WBEI
  5. The Crusher matched Bugs' brains with brawn. Known in this first outing as "Battling McGook," which cartoon was The Crusher's debut?
     LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements are ™ of & © WBEI
  6. ''Where’s the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!'' What Bugs Bunny short introduced the character today known as Marvin the Martian?
     LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements are ™ of & © WBEI
  7. Bugs is usually directed by Chuck Jones or Friz Frelang. What is the first and only Bugs Bunny cartoon directed by Art Davis?
     LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements are ™ of & © WBEI
  8. Did you know Bugs has a nephew named Clyde? Do you know when Clyde first made an appearance?
     LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements are ™ of & © WBEI
  9. When was the first time Wile E. Coyote stopped pursuing the Road Runner to chase Bugs Bunny?
     LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements are ™ of & © WBEI
  10. You may not immediately recall his name, but can you recall Pete Puma's first and only Merrie Melodies cartoon with Bugs?
     LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements are ™ of & © WBEI
  11. Following a prototype appearance in Racketeer Rabbit, what Bugs Bunny short had the first appearance of Rocky and Mugsy, bub?
     LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements are ™ of & © WBEI
  12. What Bugs short marked the debut of the beloved Tasmanian Devil?
     LOONEY TUNES and all related characters and elements are ™ of & © WBEI

Do you know these Bugs Bunny firsts?

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Fred_Clampett 2 months ago
7 of 12. Memory didn't serve me well.
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texasluva 22 months ago
I just got some words to the wise (not from MeTV) on I should be careful on the TV shows MFU and others. Heard corporate doesn't like others to spread what the have owned for 60+ years. Though in my defense I do not provide anything from my point or own them whatsoever. I provide a link that is owned by Internet Archive and uploaded by other then myself these programs. That does not mean that someone or owner complaining to MeTV about my 6 people showing and sharing these items. That is one reason I am providing a Quiz back in arrears on MeTV. By Law I am not culpable in ownership or handing someone a whereabouts of cinema programing. A little more on IA. It is a Website that has at this time 800 billion web pages of information. Movies is only a portion of it. Books, poetry, music, collectables, hobbies, libraries and anything a human might want to keep, save or share with others. That being said. Most of these blockbuster movies will be at sometime at IA if:
1. It is still copyrighted.
2. No ownership can be confirmed
3. Not placed as in coded wording to attract attention.
I have gone to great lengths to locate some of the movies. Also by chance. There is zero cost to me, only time.
What are the chances IA will find something to remove? Good if it is not hidden in such a way to again, attract attention. Also think about what can possibly be found and looked over with 800 billion web pages. Not items but whole pages. If it is blatant then items might last a few months. If someone else decides by jealousies or work that is another possibility. I have also been in contact with two mega uploaders who lost thousand of movies/shows. They get removed and of course they just sign in under another email or name. What happens to mine? I just lose the ones that IA closes down. The address link you all get to watch them with. You receive a favorites spot that you can save things to or upload things. You can also by choice download any item (according to IA). Its a more then grey area since you are not the uploader of the item. MPH goes there all the time for her Old Radio programs. They have 10's of thousands of most everything. You can get any radio, tv or most any broadcast you wish. Its right at your fingertips and worth just to see what you can find. Sometimes you get into areas not so nice. Yesterday I was looking for movies and one person's site had most war things. Like videos of war events and even execution. I watched just a part of after the war in Italy when they hung dozens including Mussolini and showed their bodies via camera. That was more then enough for me since I left that site and not interested in watching such things. There had to be 40,000 watching that in the crowds. There was 1000 times more in sentencing then just the Nuremberg trials in other countries. One instance was a concentration camp in another country where most the guards where women. Who terrorized women prisoners and much more. I won't go into details. They were all hanged in a pubic square after the war. Most hate war and so do I. Humans just seem not able to get away from warring with one another. On the lighter side they have libraries, posters, records, comics and most everything else that others have for a hobby.
KJExpress 22 months ago
Some of that war stuff is horrific. I have come across things similar to what you have mentioned on YouTube. Ugh! Not my cup of tea. But to each his own.

So if you are looking for a particular movie or TV show and things are coded in such a way as to hide them, how do you find what you are looking for? Is it by chance?
texasluva 22 months ago
I might go to one site who has certain movies that they added to theirs. Then I click on the other name and you might see numbers or numbers and letters. It appears to be a movie. A lot of times you have to click on it and see what it is. Older movies is easier because the name of the movie is usually in the first minute. You then look at the MPEG file to see it is of quality (over 500Mb usually) or even actually view some of the contents. If it blurry you pass. Then check for the ratings of the movie at IMDb. If it is under 6.0 you might pass unless its a cult favorite or one of those B movies that some like to watch. The movie THEM! might be one except it has a higher rating then 6.0. Plan 9 from Outer Space though has such a low rating and so bad that people like to watch it. Newer movies though if coded by the uploader is another story. Sometimes it in fancy lettering like JustJeff uses and in some cases you can figure it out. The new movies might be somewhere between 2 minutes or 15 minutes before the credits and movie name rolls. The best why for uploaders is to load from 5-200+ movies on one file. I think 1T is the limit for one file. Sometimes it is more simple they just put periods at the end of words so the search does not find it easy. The. Breakfast. Club. 1985. Another one just film_one- which has 44 movies on it Including The Girl With The Dragoon Tattoo. That was one of the hardest movies to find or keep once you did. The others are Pulp Fiction which I lost 4 times before I got another just a month ago. Kill Bill Vol 1 and vol 2 another. A uploader friend found it for me. I give him all my flicks too I've gathered so he can start over. He needs like a 20T external drive to keep them all. Others might be 50000001 to 50000005. I found that one today and kept all but one. They were Dante's Peak (1997) 6.1 800Mb P. Bronson L.Hamilton -- Labyrinth (1986) 7.5 652Mb David Bowie --The Goonies (1985) 7.7 700Mb Adventure-Comedy-Family--Twister (1996) 6.6 750Mb Might be better then other copy H. Hunt-- I do though have most of the block busters except a few--Looking for The Big Country without the Spanish Subs. Found a uploader just recently who is putting up the Classic works. Every day a new actor with 10 or so movies they did. Many in Pristine condition. Like the Graduate I put up (though that was from another UL).
KJExpress 22 months ago
Too complex for me. Glad to let you handle everything and treat us with your various choices. Much appreciated. 👏
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texasluva 22 months ago
MQ tonight @: Are these titles of Kolchak episodes or Svengoolie movies?
texasluva 22 months ago
MQ tonight @: Are these titles of Kolchak episodes or Svengoolie movies?
texasluva 22 months ago
MQ tonight @: Are these titles of Kolchak episodes or Svengoolie movies?
Moverfan 21 months ago
Our ABC affiliate here in the Detroit area used to have an afternoon movie from four to six pm on weekdays. They ran mostly unsold pilots (I think--this was some fifty years ago) with the occasional well-known film...I saw The Lords Of Flatbush one afternoon. And once, I caught part of a Dean Martin picture (I'm assuming a Matt Helm entry) where the camera was looking down a hallway and there was a stall shower on the left. The lady occupying the shower occasionally stuck out an arm or a leg (never saw her) and over this, we hear Dean singing:

Let me call you sweetheart, I'm in love with you
Haven't seen your face yet, but your legs will do...

Either that's all I remember because I was (maybe) twelve or thirteen at the time or because that's where I turned it off. I have no idea anymore.
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AllisonWunderland 22 months ago
Thanks a lot, you just gave my secret away 😂😂
AllisonWunderland 22 months ago
He put them back on when he actually posted the MQ….
KJExpress 22 months ago
Oh, good. Wouldn't want to miss anything. 😉
texasluva 22 months ago
Comedy Tuesday--- A Dean Martin movie- In The Matt Helm Series-

The Silencers (1966) 1 hr 42 min-- Action--Adventure--Comedy- 2.6G file.
Phil Karlson
Dean Martin---Stella Stevens---Daliah Lavi---Victor Buono-
Arthur O'Connell---Robert Webber---Cyd Charisse---James Gregory
Retired agent Matt Helm is re-activated in order to stop an evil organization from exploding an atom bomb over the USA and starting WWIII.
AllisonWunderland 22 months ago
What’s up, Y’all? 🤗
Hi There! Guess we're really early!!
That’s okay….better than being late 🤭 (like I was a few MQ’s ago)
Just in time I see 👀
JERRY6 22 months ago
4 that wascally wabbit gots me again
dodgebob 22 months ago
6/12, actually pretty happy wit dat.
MrPerfect 22 months ago
12/12. "I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque."
timothys71 22 months ago
On an only slightly related note, are they putting The Pink Panther/The Inspector/Roland and Rattfink on hiatus? I was a little surprised to see that the entire first hour of Saturday Morning Cartoons today (May 6) was Popeye and Pals. Then again, the Pink Panther/The Inspector/Roland and Rattfink episodes have been repeating a lot more since fewer of them were made (the original Popeye series was in production for over 20 years).
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