Do you know which MeTV star appears third in the opening credits of their show?

See if you can remember some serious opening-credits trivia!


Thanks to MeTV fan Rick S. Jones of La Porte, Indiana, who submitted this quiz to us! It's a tricky one!

You've watched the opening credits to your favorite MeTV shows hundreds of times. Most people can name the first one or two stars that appear in the title sequence of their show, but Rick Jones wants to see just how closely you've been paying attention. Do you know which MeTV star appears third in the opening sequence of their show?

Think hard about the names you see and test your knowledge. Good luck!

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  1. In the opening sequence of Batman, who comes third: Adam West as Bruce Wayne/Batman, Burt Ward as Dick Grayson/Robin, and then...
  2. In the opening sequence of The Beverly Hillbillies, who comes third: Buddy Ebsen as Jed Clampett, Irene Ryan as Daisy "Granny" Moses, and then...
  3. In the opening sequence of The Big Valley, who comes third: Richard Long as Jarrod Barkley, Peter Breck as Nick Barkley, and then...
  4. In the opening sequence of Bonanza, who comes third: Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright, Dan Blocker as Eric "Hoss" Cartwright, and then...
  5. In the opening sequence of Diagnosis Murder, who comes third: Dick Van Dyke as Dr. Mark Sloan, Victoria Powell as Amanda Bentley-Livingston, and then...
  6. In the opening sequence of Gilligan's Island, who comes third: Bob Denver as Gilligan, Alan Hale as the Skipper, and then...
  7. In the opening sequence of Leave It to Beaver, who comes third: Barbara Billingsley as June Cleaver, Hugh Beaumont as Ward Cleaver, and then...
  8. In the opening sequence of Lost in Space, who comes third: Guy Williams as John Robinson, June Lockhart as Maureen Robinson, and then...
  9. In the opening sequence of Perry Mason, who comes third: Raymond Burr as Perry Mason, Barbara Hale as Della Street, and then...
  10. In the opening sequence of Wonder Woman, who comes third: Lynda Carter as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, Lyle Waggoner as Steve Taylor, and then...

Do you know which MeTV star appears third in the opening credits of their show?

Your Result...

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AnnaRentzVandenhazel 34 months ago
#6 - Jim BACKUS was third in the credits. Not Baukus or Bauckus!

#10 - there is no "Steve Taylor" in Wonder Woman, it's "TREVOR!"
JebMorris 34 months ago
On Bonanza, the four main characters were listed equally. changing each week so that they all got equal billing.
KevinHartford 37 months ago
So many spelling errors; you really should get better proofreaders IMHO
Russ 63 months ago
The order of the main cast at the beginning of "Bonanza" rotated each week
Wufferduck Russ 37 months ago
I thought the same thing they did rotate.
MarkSpeck 65 months ago
7 out of 10. BTW, it's Jim BACKUS, not 'Baukus', and Beatrice COLEN, not 'Cohen'.
john 65 months ago
I blowed it away!
sourdust john 52 months ago
I blowed it! 6 out of 10
Pacificsun 65 months ago
How MeTV posed the Quiz is confusing. Did they mean the order of the opening credits (like starring )? OR the opening sequence (which by the way, in rare cases can be simultaneous with opening credits)? Here's the difference. ST:TOS opens the episode with a scene "teaser" (absent of credits). Who appears in it, in what order, changes per episode. While credits are always the same. (For example, except where they bumped up DeForest Kelly following "starring" credit: William Shatner and "also starring" credit: Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelly go "also Starring" named in third position.
Pacificsun Pacificsun 65 months ago
Perry Mason changed their opening sequence over time. But initially followed this routine. The judge (obviously uncredited), Perry Mason standing, then walking over to the table. Where he shows the file to (sitting) Barbara Hale, Paul Drake, Hamilton Burger, and Lt. Tragg. Therefore Paul Drake would be third. (But we can't be positive, if the placement as 3rd, in that particular sequence, meant William Hopper was also third in compensation. No doubt Barbara Hale was second. But in this case, sometimes "billing" can be a significant contribution towards compensation. Whereas (for whatever reason, probably due to radio, stage and/or prior acting credits) it's "possible" Collins or Talman (at that time) could have been being paid more money. And that's why "billing" is such an important feature in stage work.
Wiseguy Pacificsun 65 months ago
You misspelled Kelley. Do you work for MeTV?
JDnHuntsvilleAL Pacificsun 64 months ago
Seriously? You can't understand "appears third in the opening credits" ??????
modsuzi Wiseguy 64 months ago
And you're a hateful asshole. Always.
Pacificsun JDnHuntsvilleAL 30 months ago
You were right, and I was wrong.
bpacha77511 65 months ago
8/10 really enjoyed this quiz....great job mr jones
Runeshaper 65 months ago
You got 5 out of 10
You've got a pretty good eye for those opening credits. Nicely done!

I guess on almost every one of these LOL
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