Extremely Difficult: Which Beaver episode was broadcast earlier?

Put these shows in order!


We're quizzing your command of chronology!

One of the best parts of a coming-to-age show is watching the characters grow up. 

Were you paying attention when Beaver was growing up? If you were you'll have no problem picking which of these episodes happened before the others! 

Good luck, and be sure to share your score in the comments section below!

Watch Leave It to Beaver on MeTV!

Weekdays at 8 & 8:30 AM, Sundays at 1 & 1:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. Which of these episodes was broadcast first?
  2. Which of these episodes was broadcast first?
  3. Which of these episodes was broadcast first?
  4. Which of these episodes was broadcast first?
  5. Which of these episodes was broadcast first?
  6. Which of these episodes was broadcast first?
  7. Which of these episodes was broadcast first?
  8. Which of these episodes was broadcast first?
  9. Which of these episodes was broadcast first?
  10. Which of these episodes was broadcast first?

Extremely Difficult: Which Beaver episode was broadcast earlier?

Your Result...

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mda 1 month ago
10/10. It really was tough. Surprised myself even though I am a big fan of the show.
MadMadMadWorld 1 month ago
4/10. #1,5,6, and 10. Tough quiz--maybe the hardest to get from only the titles of the episodes, with no other clue!
tinkparker 1 month ago
4/10 I'm very disappointed in myself
Badge714 1 month ago
Ouch Miss Landers, that WAS hard.
MadMadMadWorld Badge714 1 month ago
His 2nd teacher, to Miss Canfield, played by Diane Brewster, a gorgeous blonde, but Sue Randall had a better teacher/student personality for a teacher. Diane B. lived to only 60 (Mar. 1931 Kansas City-Nov. 1991 Studio City, CA; heart failure), but poor Sue R. (Oct. 1935-Oct. 1984, both in Philadelphia, PA) only lived to be 49, from lung and larynx cancer.
vg2023 1 month ago
Only 3 i am going ape over the beaver.
MadMadMadWorld vg2023 1 month ago
"How many times have I told you not to use words like 'flip' and 'ape'?"
--June Cleaver, to Wally; after he used both in a sentence! One of my favorite lines (paraphrasing her line)
mda MadMadMadWorld 1 month ago
Yes that was a funny line.
KJExpress 1 month ago
6/10. I had trouble remembering all the episodes by name.
8176Morgan 1 month ago
3/10. I knew the first and last question from the first season, but the rest was guess work and I only got one right! This quiz was definitely too tough for my liking.
gockionni 1 month ago
2/10, looks like I’m in pretty good company. Got the first two right then it was all downhill from there.
gbell 1 month ago
1 out of 10. At least I should get a participation award? 🏆 😆
seltaeb 1 month ago
Judy Hensler was the worst character on the show. She always tattletaled on the boys in class, especially Beaver.
vg2023 seltaeb 1 month ago
I think she ended up marrying a proctologist
mda seltaeb 1 month ago
I actually liked her character. It was played well.
TheJackOfCups 1 month ago
Knew #1 from an earlier quiz, guessed right on #8 because I noticed none of the correct answers were the fifth option yet
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