Hollywood Hillbillies: Which cast member was in these movies?

Who was in what?!

 The Everett Collection

Swimming pools, movie stars!

While we may never know which Beverly Hillbillies stars owned swimming pools, we definitely know their filmographies. Or at least, we hope you do... Because that's what we're quizzing about today!

We want to know whether you can tell which actor starred in the following movies. Was it Granny? Or Elly? Or maybe it was Jethro...

Don't worry, we'll include the year each movie came out, so you'll have some context. Hopefully, these clues won't throw you off! Good luck!

Be sure to share your score in the comments section below!

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  1. Tarantula! (1955)
  2. Frankie and Johnny (1966)
  3. Bonzo Goes to College (1952)
  4. Rockabilly Baby (1957)
  5. Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier (1955)
  6. The Parent Trap (1961)
  7. The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957)
  8. Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)
  9. Macon County Line (1974)
  10. The Aristocats (1970)

Hollywood Hillbillies: Which cast member was in these movies?

Your Result...

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FlaFeral 17 days ago
1/10! Almost a perfect score....darn guessing!
8176Morgan 1 month ago
5/10. I'm pretty happy with that score. 🙂
ElizabethBoop 1 month ago
Of the six actors listed for every question, only Irene Ryan never appeared on 77 Sunset Strip. This is better representation on that show than for the Gilligan's Island cast, where two of the six castaways (Bob Denver and Tina Louise) managed to miss encountering Bailey and Spencer.
John111911Smith 1 month ago
“Well doggies”! … 6/10. Not too bad, considerin’ I only gradgiated 6th grade.
Guess I’ll reeward maself wit sum buzzard eggs and possum shanks in gopher gravy.
LalaLucy 1 month ago
5/10 Was only one hundred percent certain on two of them.
Lillyrose 1 month ago
3 out of 10.
gbell Lillyrose 1 month ago
Well, between the two of us we got 6 😆
Not too shabby! 😁
KJExpress 1 month ago
7/10. That's actually better than I expected. I've only seen a couple of these movies. As a kid I remember seeing Fess Parker and Buddy Ebsen in "Davy Crockett", probably on the Wonderful World of Disney. (I loved that show and looked forward to it every week!) Seems like there were a few other "Davy...." movies as well.
Bapa1 KJExpress 1 month ago
The Wonderful world of Disney did another Davy one called "Davy Crockett and the River Pirates', which was also stretched out. They later edited and released both as theatrical movies, which later would be showed on tv and released on VHS and DVD.
ElizabethBoop Bapa1 1 month ago
Disney inadvertently shot themselves in the foot by taking the first Crockett movie all the way up to the Alamo. Surprised them so much when it became a monster hit that they had to scramble to put together the Mike Fink arc as a prequel to give the viewers more.

At least Fess Parker got to wear the coonskin cap again years later when he played Dan'l Boone, even though there's no record of Boone actually wearing such a thing.
KJExpress Bapa1 1 month ago
I remember that one, too. And didn't he go to Congress, or am I thinking of another character? 🤔
ElizabethBoop KJExpress 1 month ago
Davey really did go to Congress, mostly on the strength of his already established popularity as a folk hero (bolstered by the stories of his early exploits written by the also real George Russell).

The only thing the TV series made up out of whole cloth was his association with the gambler Thimblerig, played by Hans Conried.
KJExpress ElizabethBoop 1 month ago
Thanks for the confirmation. I thought I had remembered seeing that movie, but it was over 50 years ago and the mind plays tricks sometimes. 😏
Poolboy13 1 month ago
7/10 wow buddy was in a lot of movies.granny was in rockabilly baby? whats a rockabilly baby?
cperrynaples Poolboy13 1 month ago
I'm almost certain Lisa Marie Presley was one...LOL!
ElizabethBoop 1 month ago
You want a Beverly Hillbillies actor in a surprising alternate role, check out the wartime comedy Reveillie With Beverly. Tap dancer Ann Miller is a DJ at a radio station who becomes a sensation because she plays the swing records the soldiers all want instead of the stuffy classical stuff her predecessor programs.

Irene Ryan is a secretary at the station and one of her best friends. Doodles Weaver also has a running gag at the record store that Miller keeps returning to when she's repeatedly fired from the DJ job.
I watched that movie years ago on TCM because I had just seen Ann Miller at the Paper Mill Playhouse, in 1998. She could still dance and still had nice legs, one benefit at least
from a lifetime of dance exercises. 7/10
Yep, I saw her in Mullholland Drive and she held up well! Shockingly, it was her ONLY post-'50's movie!
Fun Fact: She also did a Marx Brothers movie with Lucy!
Bapa1 ElizabethBoop 1 month ago
I saw Ann Miller in 1983 in the stage show 'Sugar Babies' with Mickey Rooney. it was pretty good. A young Jeff Dunham also performed. (I think).
ElizabethBoop Bapa1 1 month ago
Some of us first became aware of Ann from that Great American Soup commercial she did for Stan Freberg. "Why do you always have to make such a big production out of everything?"
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