Honeymooners: True or False?

See if you can recall what's fact and what's not!

 CBS Television Distribution

You know them, you love them: They're The Honeymooners.

Let's look back with a quick true or false quiz to help you brush up on your history. See if you can get the record straight with these 10 questions.

Good luck, and be sure to share your score and your favorite Honeymooners episode in the comments section below!

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  1. When conceiving the series of sketches that became "The Honeymooners," Gleason and his staff considered the title "The Beast".
  2. "The Honeymooners" debuted on October 5, 1961 as a six-minute sketch.
  3. Audrey Meadows was the third Alice, after the first two were blacklisted.
  4. The characters Ralph and Alice Kramden were based on real people.
  5. "The Honeymooners" aired for four seasons.
  6. Ed Norton works as a police officer.
  7. Jackie Gleason also served as producer of the show.
  8. Ralph Kramden drives a yellow taxi cab.
  9. The Kramdens and the Nortons live in Queens, NY.
  10. The address of their apartment building is 328 Chauncey St.

Honeymooners: True or False?

Your Result...

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SammyBoy86 7 months ago
8/10 I guess I know my Honeymooners… Straight to the moon Alice!!
ClassicTVRocks 8 months ago
9/10 I Love the Honeymooners, I watch them every Sunday Night at 11:00 pm on MeTv!!!
yolonda69 8 months ago
8/10 Favorite episode was when he called Alice’s mom a blabber mouth and he made a record apologizing! Hilarious!
Tresix 8 months ago
6/10. Although Ed Norton wasn’t a cop, Art Carney first appeared in a “Honeymooners” skit as a police officer. Ralph and Alice get into an argument and start throwing things out of the window. Ralph throws the flour container which lands on the cop.
cperrynaples Tresix 8 months ago
I mentioned that! And yes,I've seen that sketch! It was the very FIRST sketch!
ClassicTVRocks Tresix 8 months ago
Good Memory!!!
Well, I wasn't alive in 1951! However, it is included in Catchy Comedy's Lost Honeymooners!
Kramden62 cperrynaples 7 months ago
Luckily, I have both the "Classic 39" and the "Lost" Honeymooners on DVD in box sets (two advantages of the discs: (1) the episodes are full screen and not "pillar box" like the syndicated broadcast prints are; and (2) they are *uncut*).
justjeff 8 months ago
8/10 - but I need some clarification on #3... "Audrey Meadows was the third Alice, after the first two were blacklisted." I knew of Pert Kelton being blacklisted, but who was the other 'Alice' who suffered the same fate?
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StrayCat cperrynaples 8 months ago
An excerpt from her obituary:

Virginia Damon, known also by her stage name of Ginger Jones, died Friday, Aug. 6, (2010) at the age of 94.
In 1952, Ms. Damon starred as Alice Cramden in the live Honeymooners tour with Jackie Gleason and Art Carney.
cperrynaples StrayCat 8 months ago
I'm guessing CBS did that for publicity in the same manner Lucy & Desi tested I Love Lucy! I think that actress really wasn't blacklisted, she just didn't get along with Jackie! On the other hand, he liked Pert Kelton so much he used her in the color Honeymooners! And yes, she played his mother-in-law AKA "Blabbermouth"!
cperrynaples cperrynaples 8 months ago
I also knew that technically Pert Kelton did play Alice on CBS! The Dumont sketches were so popular that a few were restaged on Ed Sullivan! However, those sketches are lost!
Tresix cperrynaples 7 months ago
Kelton, to me, always looked like she could beat Ralph in a fight! She came across like a lady wrestler.
Charleshorse 8 months ago
9/10 I missed the first question. The Beast??? I'm glad they passed on that title but the title The Honeymooners doesn't make sense to me. They weren't honeymooners. Wtp?
justjeff Charleshorse 8 months ago
It's likely the reference to "Honeymooners" was that Ralph and Alice - despite all of their squabbles - were deeply in love, like newlyweds on their honeymoon...
cperrynaples Charleshorse 8 months ago
Clearly, The Beast was refering to Ralph's temper! But yep, it wouldn't work! And yes, I did know that title was considered!
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