How well do you know the voice actors behind your favorite Disney princesses?
If you get 100%, we'll throw in a crown.

We’re almost positive that you’ve got a favorite Disney princess. It seems like half of the personality quizzes in the world are something to the tune of “Which Disney Princess Are You?” But how many times have we thought about the voices behind our favorite princesses? This time, we’re quizzing you on the voice actors who played iconic Disney Princesses. It’s your job to answer these questions correctly to save your kingdom!
This actress and is known for voicing the iconic Snow White, but also had an uncredited role in Frank Capra’s film, It’s a Wonderful Life.
Jodi Benson is known for voicing Barbie in the Toy Story sequels, as well as this Disney Princess.
This actor voiced Cinderella.
While Linda Larkin did provide the voice for this Disney princess, it was only the speaking voice, as the singing voice was provided by Lea Salonga in the original film.
Paige O’Hara is known for voicing this Disney princess.
In addition to starring in the iconic film The Joy Luck Club, Ming-Na Wen also voiced this Disney Princess.
This actor starred in the NBC series This Is Us, and also voiced the Disney princess Rapunzel.
This actor voiced Aurora in Sleeping Beauty, but also appeared in the film The Great Waltz.
Anika Noni Rose starred in the 2006 film Dream Girls before voicing this Disney princess.
How many official Disney princesses are there?

How well do you know the voice actors behind your favorite Disney princesses?
Your Result...
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HOWEVER... that end-tag of the quiz: "You're a real princess! Looks like you're getting your happily ever after!" does NOT fit me... I quit wearing skirts when Milton Berle went out of fashion... LOL!
PS: NO, I didn't REALLY wear skirts.. so keep those nasty remarks to yourself!
Oh, by the way, ARIEL IS THE BEST PRINCESS AND PRINCE ERIC IS THE BEST PRINCE! This is fact. Oh, and Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty had a profound effect on the little me. I didn't understand truly what it was then but I sure as hell do now as an adult. 60s Batman and Robin had similar effects on me. I don't think I need to go further into what those effects are.
Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Tiana, Rapunzel, Merida, Moana, and Raya