How well do you remember the Christmas episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show?

Rob, Laura, Sally and Buddy put on a festive show in this classic episode.


The Dick Van Dyke Show broke out of the usual sitcom formula for its fantastic season three Christmas episode. When Rob’s boss tosses out the hilarious script he, Sally, and Buddy worked so hard on, they have to be in the show themselves along with Laura.

It was the perfect excuse to showcase the multitalented Dick Van Dyke Show cast. Mary Tyler Moore shows of her dancing and singing chops, Morey Amsterdam plays the cello, Rose Marie sings a hilarious song and Dick Van Dyke does what he does best — physical comedy.

How well do you know this memorable episode? Try your luck below!

  1. The episode’s title comes from Rob Petrie’s boss named…
  2. Who played Rob’s boss?
  3. Who carries this giant stack of presents into the office?
  4. Why is producer Mel Cooley confused by Buddy’s greeting?
  5. What does Rob do with his tuner after it plays the wrong note?
  6. Which of these kids is part of the Petrie family?
  7. The staff choir sings the same thing over and over. What is it?
  8. What song does Sally sing?
  9. When Sally starts playing during Buddy’s solo, what does he do?
  10. Dick Van Dyke sings he looks just like which comedian?
  11. What Christmas carol does little Ritchie sing?
  12. What does everyone sing at the end?

How well do you remember the Christmas episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show?

Your Result...

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rubyslippers1234 8 months ago
12/12. Almost missed 9, but vaguely remembered his shoe.
Adanor 22 months ago
I always love it when they break out in song and dance.
Dugan 22 months ago
Aced it. My favorite DVDS episode
a1k9 38 months ago
12/12 my second best Christmas episode of any sitcom. My favorite Christmas episode if from the Andy Griffith show.
JDWJDW2 38 months ago
One of my favorite episodes. I especially like when the cast members sing and dance to "I am a fine Musician".
MadMadMadWorld JDWJDW2 22 months ago
All the songs are done exceptionally well by this multi-talented, best overall cast I've seen on television! Just a superb comedy, far better than Mary's later series with too many competitors for laugh lines. She shined so strongly and had far better and more laugh lines and funnier circumstances to get into than in her 1970-77 series.
RosalindLeeWheeler 38 months ago
12/12 I really like watching this Christmas Show.
STTOS 38 months ago
You got 12 out of 12 - And now, time to present your score. Is it a gift you like or something you'd like to return. I know my DVD!!
Coldnorth 38 months ago
9out of 12. My memory is a bit off today
RichLorn 39 months ago
They cut out the scene where Jerry Helper plays Deck the Halls on his dentist drill.
JDnHuntsvilleAL 39 months ago
Yeah, yeah, 12 out of 12, but NOT my favorite episode. Richie singing "Little Drummer Boy" is especially painful.
Richie really was pa-ROTTEN-pum-pum!
MadMadMadWorld lgbyrne1129 22 months ago
You have to give him some slack! Larry Mathews was only 8 years old in Dec. 1963. Now, he is 67, born on Aug. 15 (same day of year as Rose Marie), 1955. He and Dick (now 97!) are the last two survivors of the acting cast, not counting very few guest stars, such as Sylvia Lewis ("Too Many Stars" episode, as 'Anita Lebost', aired on Oct. 30, 1963), born on Apr. 22, 1931, now 92.
Steve2021 39 months ago
12/12 just aired, Love the rain deer girls pulling santa
AlbertHanson 39 months ago
12/12. That episode was just aired.
Numerous times since Dec. 18, 1963!
MyLoveIainGlen 39 months ago
12 out of 12. I love the series and this was easy for me to solve, adore this episode.
lynngdance 39 months ago
12/12. Seasons Greetings to everyone!
CharleneFrench 39 months ago
6/12. I really can’t stand Dick van Dyke. Very few episodes really hold my attention, so I’m not surprised at my score. Whatever.
WOW, you are TRULY one-in-a-million. Probably one-in-380-million.
CharleneFrench 29 months ago
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