Is this a vintage cereal or is it from the 90s/early 2000s?

Crunch your way through this quiz!


People of all ages have been debating for years which generation is best. But the mark of the best generation isn't its music or movies; it's breakfast cereal! In this quiz, we'll be giving you actual cereal names, and it's your responsibility to tell us whether it was created in the sixties and seventies, or if it's a more recent addition and comes to us from the nineties and early 2000s!

  1. Clackers
  2. Reese's Puffs
  3. Crunchy Loggs
  4. Buc Wheats
  5. Grins & Smiles & Giggles & Laughs Cereal
  6. Smorz
  7. Wild Animal Crunch
  8. Hidden Treasures
  9. Crispy Critters
  10. Oreo-O's

Is this a vintage cereal or is it from the 90s/early 2000s?

Your Result...

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JERRY6 16 days ago
4 all i ate was corn plakes coco crispies and shreddies
CrumblyCrunchies 27 days ago
7/10 split So my favorites were Krumbles, Life, Kaboom and SUGAR frosted flakes.
Wendy57 13 months ago
My parents weren’t very liberal with their offerings of sugar cereals.
Fall/Winter was Oatmeal, Cream-O-Wheat, or Ralston. Spring/Summer was maybe Cheerios, Rice Crispies, or Chex.
Yellhair 13 months ago
The ones I never heard of I thought were the earlier years, but a couple I got wrong, oops!
Yellhair Yellhair 13 months ago
Oh I hit 6/10
Tresix 13 months ago
10/10. Some of those I had never heard or seen and got lucky.
prock 13 months ago
Seven out of 10 I'll take it LOL
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