Is this Donna Douglas in The Beverly Hillbillies or something else?

Can you tell Elly May apart from her other roles?


Classic TV star Donna Douglas rose to fame as Elly May Clampett, but the animal-loving hillbilly was far from her only role. She was in a movie with Elvis and starred in one of the most iconic episodes of The Twilight Zone.

How well do you know Donna Douglas? Try to guess if these images are from The Beverly Hillbillies or something else!

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Is this Donna Douglas in The Beverly Hillbillies or something else?

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katlovemetv 42 months ago
Loved Donna Douglas on Beverly Hillbillies…her wholesomeness was refreshing!
Mike 45 months ago
11/12 and a couple of lucky guesses..
Ljstewart 47 months ago
Take hogan's heroes off of MeTV and put the honeymooners on in its place weeknights
country46 Ljstewart 39 months ago
take both off and put I dream of Jeanie on week nights
FestusFan2312 48 months ago
Her absolute most beautiful appearance on the Hillbillies was on the episode The Continental Touch were she wore an evening gown and had a brunette wig. She was stunning.
Tresix 48 months ago
11/12, missed “Frankie and Johnny”.
MikefromJersey 48 months ago
10 for 12. MeTV Guys, you blew the duke on this one. Donna Douglas never ever looked better than on an episode of 77 Sunset Strip. She was jaw dropping beautiful in a evening gown.
That production crew had no equals in making up and clothing all the beautiful guest stars who appeared. The only series that featured more starlets was Burke's Law. Burke's Law would be a fun, witty replacement for Barnaby Jones when MeTV finally puts that snooze fest out to pasture.
Most every episode of BL had thinly disguised guest characters that were take offs of real
Hollywood movers and shakers, a treat for the savvy viewer who knows classic Hollywood.
JHP 48 months ago
# 9 and #11 got me

She was Jethro s nightmare:)

TexasGreek 48 months ago
You got 11 out of 12
Got me on #9
Peter_Falk_Fan TexasGreek 48 months ago
I missed that one, too. 11/12
purplerose60 48 months ago
11/12. Love the Hillbillies and Donna Douglas!
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