Is this the name of a knot or a character played by Don Knotts?

Try to untie yourself in this quiz!

 CBS Television Distribution

Don Knotts has had an extensive career of playing some pretty silly characters. In this quiz, we decided to give in to that silliness, and we hope you will too! We're giving you a name, and you've got to tell us if it's the name of a Don Knotts character or the name of a popular knot!

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  1. Winship
  2. Carrick
  3. Warren
  4. Ogelvie
  5. Fiador
  6. Marlinspike
  7. Turtle
  8. Stevedore
  9. Peacock
  10. Zeppelin

Is this the name of a knot or a character played by Don Knotts?

Your Result...

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Riknmadi 11 months ago
9 out of 10, missed Ogelvie. Haven't seen that since I was a kid. But had to guess on quite a few others. Only knew Stevedore for sure.
ReneDelgado 11 months ago
9 out of 10, better than I thought I would do 😊
Wendy57 11 months ago
Really the only knot used to tie a man’s tie, that I’ve heard of by name is the Windsor knot. ?????? 👔
Bigwheel1 11 months ago
9/10 lucky guesses I very lucky 🥴
seltaeb 11 months ago
2/10 NOT a KNOT or KNOTTS expert.
ajr3j 11 months ago
14/14...Not often I get to brag I aced one!
MrsPhilHarris ajr3j 11 months ago
canttouchthis ajr3j 11 months ago
14/14 there are only 10 questions..
you Lie..
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