Name the shows that featured these fictional radio and TV stations

If you K-NOW these, you will WIN-TV!

As they always say, "Write about what you know." No wonder TV writers are so good at scripting comedies set in TV stations. Radio stations, too.

In some cases, the entire series is a workplace comedy set in these fictional stations. Or, perhaps a major character works at some of these fake stations. Maybe it's just a station that turns up in several storylines.

Let's see if you can match the fictional station to its TV show. To help you out, we've given you the location along with the call letters.
  1. WJM-TV in Minneapolis
  2. WHOGG in Georgia
  3. WPIG in Cincinnati
  4. KBBL in Springfield
  5. KACL in Seattle
  6. KFLH in San Francisco
  7. KBHR in Cicely, Alaska
  8. WPIV in Vermont
  9. WNYX in New York City
  10. WKS-TV in Columbus, Ohio

Name the shows that featured these fictional radio and TV stations

Your Result...

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Lacey 38 months ago
9/10 I missed the AK refrence.
MichaelSkaggs 38 months ago
10/10. If you get the city, you get the show it's from. (Paragraph) NEWSRADIO! One of the most underrated tv shows of the 1990's. Bill McNeal by Phil Hartman. If there were a Mount Rushmore of SNL he would be one of those selected. RIP, Phil.
DerekBird 40 months ago
You got 9 out of 10
Your signals are coming in sharp and clear. Well done!
WILD 72 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
Your signals are coming in sharp and clear. Well done
EllisClevenger 72 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
Your signals are coming in sharp and clear. Well done!
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