Quiz: Can you name the TV show by its Christmas scene?

Can you spot the classic television series by the Santas, trees and decorations on these screens?


Christmas episodes are a staple of television. Just about every series, from murder mystery to comedies, has put someone in a Santa costume and decked the set with boughs of holly. 

As you gather with your family over the yuletide season, odds are the TV is playing in the background. So how well do you remember all those ho-ho-holiday episodes? We've already asked you to identify shows by their meals, now see if you can name the classic television series by its Christmas decorations.

Quiz: Can you name the TV show by its Christmas scene?

Your Result...

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caleb53 51 months ago
I got 8.
It trip me up on a couple of them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
LittleMissNoName 51 months ago
10 out of 11. I guess I will go and help myself to some milk and cookies. 🍪 🍪
ndebrabant 62 months ago
You got 11 out of 11!
Well done! You deserve a plate of cookies and some milk — and you didn't even have to shimmy down a sooty chimney for the treat! Hooray for TV trivia knowledge!

Pictures were so small, it was hard to tell on some.
Joe 62 months ago
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