Tell us which classic song would make you cry in public and we'll tell you your best quality

Grab your tissues!


Few things are better than a good cry. It's refreshing, it's cathartic, and after you're done, your day can only improve. In this quiz, we're asking you to choose a song that's more likely to get you weeping in public without a care who sees you. In return, we're telling you what your most admirable quality is.

A note: There is no option to not cry! We're all cry babies in this quiz, and you've got to let those emotions free! 

  1. Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
  2. Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
  3. Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
  4. Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
  5. Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
  6. Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
  7. Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
  8. Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
  9. Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
  10. Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.

Tell us which classic song would make you cry in public and we'll tell you your best quality

Your Result...

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Take another quiz: Garth Brooks or Gunsmoke?
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Bubba77511 13 days ago
This one is right on .....

would make you cry in public and we'll tell you your best quality
Your best quality is your sense of humor
You brighten even the darkest days with a good joke, and can get anyone laughing!

At funerals and other serious situations I will 100% unintentionally make someone laugh at a completely inappropriate time. Guess it's how i deal with stress.
Michele 19 days ago
Your best quality is your kindness
You always have a good word for everyone, and people feel welcome in your presence! 😊
cripplious 21 days ago
Your best quality is your sense of humor
Bob 22 days ago
"Your best quality is your honesty"

I lied about half of these.
Kbreak 22 days ago
I'll stick by my loved ones and have my friends back.
musicman37 26 days ago
Quite frankly, none of these would make me cry in public. But despite my sense of humor, the movie "The Green Mile" sets off my waterworks. The only song to do that is "Last Game of the Season (A Blind Man in the Bleachers)" by David Geddes. Still gets the lump in my throat to form quickly.
AnnieM musicman37 19 days ago
For some reason, the theme music from the Lassie TV series makes me well up a bit; it's just so darn sad!
Bret 27 days ago
Your best quality is your sense of humor
KellyO 27 days ago
I do have a sense of humor but I can't tell a joke to save my life so I think they got this wrong. 😁
Irish 27 days ago
I do have a warped sense of humor 😉
JHP 27 days ago
for me it would be "closer" by Nine Inch nails (only kidding:))
CrumblyCrunchies 27 days ago
Honestly, none of these would make me cry in public. But everytime I watch the movie "Up" that's when the faucets open.
ElvisPresleyFan 27 days ago
My sense of humor.
Some of those songs would make me cry in public just because I never heard them.
tootsieg 28 days ago
Honesty. I did not know a lot of the songs.
DocForbin 28 days ago
I had to laugh over Johnny Cash's version of "Hurt" as one of the choices. Nine Inch Nails' original version won't make you cry--it'll make you scream in terror instead.
KellyO DocForbin 27 days ago
My daughter went through the 9 Inch Nails phase of teenage angst and I had to listen to that so many times it made me cry. The Johnny Cash version gets me though...he did this song beautifully and knowing it was his finale makes me sad.
gockionni 28 days ago
Kindness they say. If you want to cry to a song, try just about anything from Red Sovine, good grief!
Ratt1959 10 months ago
Your best quality is your kindness. In truth, the only two I've shed a tear to are, "Cat's in the Cradle" by Harry Chapin and "Hurt" by Johnny Cash.
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