Tell us which classic song would make you cry in public and we'll tell you your best quality
Grab your tissues!

Few things are better than a good cry. It's refreshing, it's cathartic, and after you're done, your day can only improve. In this quiz, we're asking you to choose a song that's more likely to get you weeping in public without a care who sees you. In return, we're telling you what your most admirable quality is.
A note: There is no option to not cry! We're all cry babies in this quiz, and you've got to let those emotions free!
Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.
Pick the song that's more likely to make you cry in public.

Tell us which classic song would make you cry in public and we'll tell you your best quality
Your Result...
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would make you cry in public and we'll tell you your best quality
Your best quality is your sense of humor
You brighten even the darkest days with a good joke, and can get anyone laughing!
At funerals and other serious situations I will 100% unintentionally make someone laugh at a completely inappropriate time. Guess it's how i deal with stress.
You always have a good word for everyone, and people feel welcome in your presence! 😊